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How Should We Preach Christ In Every Sermon?

Any of us would like to take the teachings of Christ seriously into account, we should be able to discipline ourselves to read the Bible and administer the lessons to heart. The Christian Church in Dubai also believes this as a necessary proceeding when spreading the word of the Lord.

How Should We Preach Christ In Every Sermon?

To which it is already understood that after every sermon we need to digest all the teachings as a form of respect to the lessons of the Lord, which is a vital reason why preaching is still important today.

The pastor’s goal is to convey the biblical truth to all age groups, and they do so through conducting a sermon.

Pastor’s sermons are most essential for the youth since it is the right age to open their hearts and minds to the valued teachings of the Lord, and the relevance of the sermon is a way to engage them and relate to them in a sense that these youths can also share their knowledge with others therefore spreading the good will of the Bible.


  • To preach Christ is to feed the soul, to justify it, to set it free, and to save it, if it believes the preaching. Martin Luther.
  • “A man cannot be a faithful minister until he preaches Christ for Christ’s he gives up striving to attract people to himself, and seeks only to attract them to Christ.” Robert Murray M’Cheyne
  • Those who would preach Christ, must first learn Christ, and learn of Him. Those who would get an acquaintance with Christ, must be diligent and constant in their attendance on Him.” 

1. Preaching Christ in every sermon serves a lot of practical purpose and when you sum it all up, it mainly highlights and constitutes to the preparation for our lives and how we stay in the course of the right path.

2. Preaching is not only used to inform the people but to transform spirituality as well. And when all sermons are made to praise Him and His ways of transforming lives with the truth, it signifies a much deeper sense of living and contentment.

3. The ideal gospel preaching is to put a highlight on the testimony of God, where believers have read and understood his teachings as well as provide commentary on how they have interpreted the values of each given meaning and incorporating it into their everyday lives.

4. By preaching Christ in every sermon, we identify and acknowledge the sacrifice he has done, and it shows the humility and passion of His nature. It demonstrates the will to do good and show compassion for everyone.

5. Preaching Christ solidifies our belief and reestablishes our faith when everything seems misty and unclear. Any part of the sermon is substantial to human growth, both personally and spiritually.

All sermons more or less constitute a connection to Christ and in a way we are reviving Him through the duties and principles of the Gospel. The Scriptures itself is centered on Christ and with every word from it imparts us with hope and strengthen our faith. With that said, Christ is encompasses everything anything that directs us to our salvation, and with the wisdom to guide us we can be able to live a much fulfilling life.

As the Word of God is considered to be the greatest contribution of the Church, it is a relevant and a consistent aid for all individuals who need guidance in their lives. And as we consider the positive effects it has on our perspective during our moments of weakness, Christ will light the way for troubled and frightened individuals in finding their common ground again.

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