Quotes about memories
The simplest things in this life can evoke powerful memories. Memories are one of the greatest gifts that God has ever given us. They allow us to live one moment one thousand times over.

Among the benefits of memories are, developing a closer relationship with a loved one, increasing productivity, inspiring others, and becoming happier from positive memories. Let’s begin. Whether you just need to be inspired or you’re looking for Instagram or Facebook captions, here are 100 short memory quotes.
Inspirational quotes and sayings on cherishing memories

We all treasure memories because they allow us to relive delightful times in our lives. Memories become stories that we tell hundreds and thousands of times throughout our life. The beautiful thing about our memories is that, not only are they beautiful to us, they are also beautiful to others.
Our memories can encourage someone who is going through a hard time. What I also love about memories are how little things throughout the day can remind us of different memories.
For example, you walk into a store and hear a song, and then you start thinking about the remarkable moment when you first heard that song or maybe that specific song means a lot to you for a plethora of reasons. Trivial things can trigger past memories. Let’s praise God for wonderful memories in our lives.
1. “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”
2. “Today’s moments are tomorrow’s memories.”

3. “Sometimes small memories cover large part of our hearts!”
4. “Some memories are unforgettable, remaining ever vivid and heartwarming!”
5. “Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories.”
6. “Memories are wonderful to make.. But sometimes painful to remember.”
7. “I thought past memories are everything to us, but now it’s about what we live in the present to write new memories.”
8. “God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.”

9. “Memories are timeless treasures of the heart.”
10. “Some memories never fade.”
11. “No matter what happens, some memories can never be replaced.”
12. “Memories are like a garden. Regularly tend the pleasant blossoms and remove the invasive weeds.”
13. “Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future.” – Corrie ten Boom
14. “Leftovers in their less visible form are called memories. Stored in the refrigerator of the mind and the cupboard of the heart.” – Thomas Fuller
15. “Be careful who you make memories with. Those things can last a lifetime.”
16. “We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.”

17. “Memories are like antiques, the older they are the more valuable they became.”
18. “Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them.”
19. “A memory is a photograph taken by the heart to make a special moment last forever.”
20. “A picture is worth a thousand words but the memories are priceless.”
21. “You may not think you have a good memory, but you remember what’s important to you.” – Rick Warren
22. “Beautiful memories are like old friends. They may not always be on your mind, but they are forever in your heart.” Susan Gale.
23. “One old song a thousand old memories”
24. “Sometimes memories sneak out from my eyes and roll down my cheeks.”

25. “Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.” Oscar Wilde.
26. “Some memories are unforgettable, remaining ever vivid and heartwarming!”
27. “Memories are always special… Sometimes we laugh by remembering the days we cried, and we cry by remembering the days that we laughed.”
28. “The best memories begin with the most insane ideas.”
29. “We don’t remember days, we remember moments.”
30. “I love those random memories that make me smile no matter what’s going on in my life right now.”
31. “Enjoy the little things in life because one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.”

32. “A life-long blessing for children is to fill them with warm memories of times together. Happy memories become treasures in the heart to pull out on the tough days of adulthood.”
33. “Our pictures are our footprints. It’s the best way to tell people we were here.”
34. “You shouldn’t wait for other people to make special things happen. You have to create your own memories.”
35. “No one can ever take your memories from you – each day is a new beginning, make good memories every day.”
36. “Memories may fade as the years go by but they won’t age a day.”
37. “Enjoy good memories. But don’t spend your remaining days here looking back, wishing for “the good old days.”
38. “Though miles may lie between us, we are never far apart, for friendship does not count the miles, the heart measures it.”
Making memories quotes
I understand that we love reading old memory quotes and I also understand that some memories are very special to us. However, it’s so easy to live in the past especially if you’re very nostalgic. Memories are awesome, but what’s also awesome is building new memories with your loved ones. Enjoy every moment that you have with your loved ones. Instead of being on your phone all the time, put your phone away.

Cherish family and friends and make the most of your time with them. The more time you invest in someone, the richer the memories that you will have with them. Let’s increase our love for others in our life and build beautiful sweet memories that will be cherished for years to come.
39. “Instead of spending too much time recycling old memories, how about focusing on making new ones now?”
40. “The best thing about memories is making them.”
41. “Life is a beautiful collage of priceless moments and memories, which when pieced all together create a unique treasured masterpiece.”

42. “Creating memories is a priceless gift. Memories will last a lifetime; things only a short-period of time.”
43. “The secret to a really great friendship is just creating fun memories whenever you’re with that person.”
44. “Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”
45. “Cherish every moment with those you love at every stage of your journey.”
46. “Cherish every moment because for every breath you take, someone else is taking their last.”
47. “We do not know the true value of our moments until they have undergone the test of memory.”
48. “The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.”
49. “Please excuse the mess our family is making memories.”
Memories of love quotes
Memories with the person that we love lasts a lifetime. Enjoy every moment with your spouse or your boyfriend/girlfriend. Even small moments are going to be things that you look back on and laugh at and reminisce on together.
Memories of love are special intimate ways of connecting with your spouse. Let’s make the most of every moment in marriage or our relationships. Let’s grow in being creative in our love for one another. How we invest in our spouse now will one day be a treasured memory. Thank God for those millions of memories that He gave you with your spouse.
50. “Every memory that I had with you is worth remembering.”
51. “No one can erase or steal those sweetest memories of love.”
52. “If I could go back and do it all over again.”
53. “A million feelings, a thousand thoughts, a hundred memories, one person.”
54. “A lifetime of love and beautiful memories.”
55. “My best memories are the ones we make together.”
56. “You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead.”
57. “A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever.”
58. “Love poems are little bits of memory and story that remind and shape us back into the experience of love.”
59. “Love isn’t restricted by time because every minute and every second creates beautiful memories.”
60. “Every second you spend with your spouse is a gift from God.
61. “I walk down memory lane because I love running into you.”
62. “For yesterday’s memories, today’s love, and tomorrow’s dreams “I Love You.”
63. “Someday when the pages of my life end, I know that you will be one of its most beautiful chapters.”
64. “When I miss you, I re-read our old conversations and smile like an idiot.”
65. “The old sweet memories are woven from good times.”
66. “The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but felt by the heart.”
Remember what God has done for you.
We often run into difficulties that cause us to worry and doubt God. Remembering the faithfulness of the Lord in our lives helps us to trust in the Lord while going through trials. It also will help us when Satan tries to cause us to doubt God’s goodness.
I loved the words of Charles Spurgeon, “Memory is a fit handmaid for faith. When faith has its seven years of famine, memory like Joseph in Egypt opens her granaries.” Not only should we be remembering God’s great works, but we should also meditate on them day and night. Meditating on God’s past faithfulness has helped me to have peace and joy in trials that I have undergone. I’ve noticed a deep and genuine thankfulness for the Lord while going through these trials. Our memories will become some of our greatest praises. Use memories as a point to drive you in prayer.
Never cease remembering God and His goodness throughout your life. Sometimes when I look back I can’t help but shed tears of gratitude because I know how far the Lord has brought me. I encourage you to write down every answered prayer or situation that caused you to experience God. Doing so will encourage your soul, cause you to grow in gratitude, increase your love for God, and increase your confidence and boldness in the Lord.
Allow this to become a healthy practice in your life. He’s the same God that delivered you before. He’s the same God who answered your prayer and revealed Himself in such a powerful way. If He has done it before, will He forsake you now? The obvious answer is no. Remember what He has done in your life. Also, remember what He has done in the lives of other Christians that you know and the lives of men and women in the Bible.
67. “Remembering God’s faithfulness in the past let’s us embrace the difficulties of the present and the uncertainties of the future.” Whitney Capps
68. “Commemorate and celebrate God’s faithfulness on a daily basis.”
69. “Remembering God’s faithfulness in the past strengthens us for the future.”
70. “I choose to remember what God has done because it frames my perspective as I wait for what He will do.”
71. “Remember how God helped you before.”
72. “Remember the goodness of God in the frost of adversity.” — Charles H. Spurgeon
73. Psalm 77:11-14 “I will remember your great deeds, Lord; I will recall the wonders you did in the past. 12 I will think about all that you have done; I will meditate on all your mighty acts. 13 Everything you do, O God, is holy. No god is as great as you. 14 You are the God who works miracles; you showed your might among the nations.”
74. Psalm 9:1-4 “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the wonderful things you have done. 2 I will sing with joy because of you. I will sing praise to you, Almighty God. 3 My enemies turn back when you appear;
they fall down and die. 4 You are fair and honest in your judgments, and you have judged in my favor.”
75. “I still remember the days I prayed for the things I have now.”
76. “God’s faithfulness gives us courage in the present and hope for the future.”
Quotes about painful memories
If we’re honest, we all have bad memories that can attack our mind like relentless ticks. Painful memories have the power to destroy and create unhealthy patterns in our mind. The trauma is far worse for some than others. However, there is hope for those who are struggling with those vivid memories.
As believers, we can trust in our loving Savior who restores our brokenness and makes us new and beautiful. We have a Savior who heals and redeems. I encourage you to bring your wounds to Christ and allow Him to heal you and repair your scars. Be open and honest with Him. We doubt God so often. We forget that He cares so deeply about the intimate part of our lives.
Allow God to shower you with His love and comfort. You are never too broken for restoration and liberation in Christ. Your identity is not in your past. You are not that past memory. You are who God says that you are. If you are a believer, I want to remind you that your identity is found in Christ. Continually remind yourself of that. Dwell on those powerful truths.
The traumatic memories of the past are what God uses for His glory today. Your story is not over. God is working in ways that you might not understand at the moment. I encourage you to get alone with Him and be transparent with Him on how you feel and the struggles of painful memories.
Two words that have deeply impacted my life are “God knows.” How beautiful it is to truly grasp the concept that God knows. He also understands. He understands how you feel, He is faithful to help you, and He is with you through it all.
Work on growing in worship and dwelling on the Lord throughout the day. Talk to Him throughout the day even while you are working. Allow God to renew your mind and build the love relationship between you and Him. Also, if you desire a relationship with the Lord, I encourage you to click this link, “How can I have a personal relationship with God?“
77. “Good times become good memories and bad times become good lesson.”
78. “Bad memories will play the most often, but just because the memory comes up doesn’t mean you have to watch it. Change the channel.”
79. “Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart.”
80. “I wish we could choose which memories to remember.”
81. Philippians 3:13-14 “Of course, my friends, I really do not[a] think that I have already won it; the one thing I do, however, is to forget what is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead. 14 So I run straight toward the goal in order to win the prize, which is God’s call through Christ Jesus to the life above.”
82. “When we behold the face of God, all memories of pain and suffering will vanish. Our souls shall be totally healed.” — R.C. Sproul
83. “Perhaps time is an inconsistent healer, but God can purge even the most painful memories.” — Melanie Dickerson
84. “Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart.”
85. “Memories are wonderful to make but painful to remember.”
Leaving a legacy quotes
How we live our lives now impacts the legacy we leave behind. As believers, not only do we want to be a blessing to this world now, but we want to be a blessing even after we leave this earth. The life that we live now should be examples of godly living and it should bring encouragement and inspiration to our family and friends.
86. “The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.”
87. “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.”
88. “All good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take the next generation to a level we could only imagine.”
89. “Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.”
90. “The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”
91. “Your story is the greatest legacy that you will leave to your friends. It’s the longest-lasting legacy you will leave to your heirs.”
92. “The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.” —Billy Graham
93. “Please think about your legacy because you are writing it every day.”
94. “Legacy. What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.”
Quotes about remembering others
Be honest for a second about yourself. Are you remembering others in your prayers? We tell people all the time, “I’m going to pray for you.” However, do we actually remember people in our prayers? There is a beautiful thing that happens as we grow in our intimacy and love for Christ.
When our heart aligns with God’s heart we will care about what God cares about. God cares about people. When we grow in our intimacy with Christ we will grow in our love for others.
This love for others will manifest in praying for others and remembering others in our prayer life. Let’s be intentional at growing in this. Let’s grab a prayer journal and write down things to pray about for people in our life.
95. “When we pray for others, God listens to you and blessed them. So when you are safe and happy, remember that someone is praying for you.”
96. “Our prayers for others flow more easily than those for ourselves. This shows we are made to live by charity.” C.S. Lewis
97. “Pray for someone else’s child, your pastor, the military, the police officers, the firemen, the teachers, the government. There’s no end to the ways that you can intervene on behalf of others through prayer.”
98. “The Savior is the perfect example of praying for others with real intent. In His great Intercessory Prayer uttered on the night before His Crucifixion, Jesus prayed for His Apostles and all of the Saints.” David A. Bednar
99. “Nothing proves that you love someone more than mentioning them in your prayers.”
100. “The greatest gift we can give to others is our prayers.”
Q1 – What have you learned about memories?
Q2 – What memories do you cherish?
Q3 – How have the memories of God’s deliverance in difficult times impacted your view of God’s character?
Q4 – Do you find yourself dwelling on painful memories?
Q5 – Are you brining painful memories to God?
Q6 – How are you going to be intentional at loving others more and making new memories?
Q7 – What are things that you can change about how you live to leave a good legacy behind to your family, friends, community, and the world? Changing the way you pray and love others is a great start.
Precious Memories are often not realized until they are memories. Before you pass on relive those Precious Memories. That’s what I’m doing since I am now 80 years old.