Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

What does the Bible say about kindness? Are you nice or are you kind? People are considered nice when they are polite, but kindness is way more deeper than niceness. Kindness goes out of its way. A nice person can ask are you hungry? A kind person will bring out food for you without you [...]


Bible verses about partying Scripture clearly tells us we must not try to fit in with the world. We are not to indulge in things that God hates. Most high school, college, or adult parties are filled with worldly music, weed, alcohol, drug dealing, more drugs, devilish dancing, sensual women, lustful men, sex, unbelievers, and more ungodly things. [...]


 In our next overview of various English translations of the Bible we are taking a look at the NKJV and the ESV. Let’s begin the Bible translation comparison. Origin of the NKJV and the ESV Bible translations NKJV – This translation includes the Alexandrian Manuscripts in order to find more direct information as to the [...]

Bible Vs Abortion

On June 24, 2022, child advocates wept for joy while the abortion industry snarled in rage. The United States Supreme Court had overturned Roe vs. Wade. Abortion is no longer a federal right in the United States; however, individual states can mandate whether abortion is permitted and under what circumstances. Most people have no clue [...]

Today, about 76% of couples live together before marriage. Among Evangelical Christians, 54% cohabit before marriage, and the number is higher for younger couples. Moving in together before saying “I do” has become a “new norm,” even among Christians. It has become morally acceptable for many believers as long as the couple plans to marry. [...]

Medi-Share Cost

Health insurance is essential since they take the stress of paying for routine procedures and getting quality services. However, getting good health insurance can be quite a drag as insurance has gotten more expensive as inflation hits the world, and trying to decide which insurance to choose and understanding how each work can be incredibly [...]

God Whispers To Us In Our Pleasures

Why Does God Allow Pain? “God whispers to us in our pleasures… but shouts in our pains” Have you ever heard this quote? We all probably question why God allows pain. Let’s check out the mystery of pain. How does God use it to get our attention and refine us? Who said it? The Christian [...]

Episcopal Vs Catholic

Episcopalian and Catholicism share many similar beliefs as they came from the same original church. Over the years, each evolved into definitive branches, often blurring the lines between Catholicism and Protestantism. This article will examine their intertwined histories, similarities, and differences. What is Episcopal? Many people see the Episcopal Church as a compromise between Catholicism [...]

Jesus Vs Muhammad

Since both Jesus and Muhammad are widely recognized as pivotal figures in the development of their respective religions, it makes sense to compare and contrast these historical figures. There are some similarities between Jesus and Muhammad, but the differences are far more striking with far more differences. If you look into it, you will realize [...]

Praise Vs Worship

Praise and worship are a significant part of our Sunday morning services. You may wonder about the difference between these two action words. Here are some thoughts on the difference between praise and worship and how you can incorporate these two into your life.  What is praise? Praise is an action word that means to [...]

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