Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

What does the Bible say about loving God? This is probably one of the biggest areas that I struggle with and I’m tired of it! I hate not loving God the way I’m supposed to love God. I hate waking up without giving God the love that He deserves. We don’t cry enough to the [...]

Bible Verses About Pain

What does the Bible say about pain? Everyone hates suffering, but the fact is pain changes people. It’s not meant to make us weak it’s to make us stronger. When Christians go through pain in life it helps us to get back on the path of righteousness. We lose all self-reliance and turn to the [...]

Growing A Relationship With God

When was the last time you spent time with God? Like really, sat, listened, read, or talked. Sometimes I find myself avoiding God. Not wanting to set away time to spend with Him. Do you tend to say, “At the beginning of the month I’ll start actively studying my Bible, or when the school year [...]

Quotes About Christianity

The term “Christianity” can evoke many different emotions in our world right now. It seems like there are constantly new attacks against the faith, a lot of them actually coming from within. I’m sure you’ve heard about one new monstrosity or another happening inside the church walls. It’s easy to become discouraged to the state [...]

Is Cheating On A Test A Sin?

Usually anything that has to do with cheating is always a sin. Whether it’s cheating on your taxes, cheating someone on a business deal, or cheating when you’re not married it’s always wrong. When you cheat on a test you are deceiving yourself and deceiving others and this should not be. Not only is it [...]

We only know a little about Jesus’s earthly life before his ministry. Scripture doesn’t mention his early life except for his birth, plus when he was 12 years old, he stayed in Jerusalem after Passover instead of going home with his family. Even the age he started his ministry is vague. Scripture tells us he [...]

What does the Bible say about negativity? If you’re a Christian dealing with negativity in your life, the best way to overcome this, is to submit to God. Don’t be conformed to the world and don’t hang around bad influences. Be still and set your minds on Christ to rid yourself of the worries of [...]

What does the Bible say about modesty? Throughout my walk of faith I see how God has been teaching me about modesty. Even I have fallen short in this area. Modesty is not only for women it is for men as well. “Yes, we get it muscle man you’re buff now put a shirt on [...]

Bible Verses About Lions

What does the Bible say about lions? Lions are one of God’s most beautiful creations, but at the same time they are very dangerous animals. Christians are to have lion-like characteristics for example boldness, strength, diligence, leadership, and determination. Throughout Scripture lions are used as similes and metaphors for good and bad. Let’s see examples [...]

What does the Bible say about being yourself? We have to be careful when we say things like “just be yourself.” When people say this, they usually mean don’t try to act like something you’re not. For example, the people who try to fit in with a certain crowd by acting out of character, which [...]

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