Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

How To Know God Is With You?

Seven years ago, my world was flipped on its head. I was a freshman in college on a long weekend home when I found out my Nana was dying. I had a choice to make, go back to school as planned, or go to Houston with my parents to say goodbye. I choose to say [...]

Recently I wrote a post about reasons why church attendance regularly is essential, but how about going for the wrong reasons which many people do. It is so easy to deceive yourself into why you are going. Do any of these have to deal with you?   1. Trying to find a spouse. There is nothing [...]

Christmas Quotes

Quotes about Christmas Let’s be honest, we all love Christmas. Christmas Eve and Day are exciting and fun, which is awesome. However, I encourage you to really use this Christmas as a time of reflection. Reflect on the Person of Jesus, your relationship with Him, how you can love others more, etc. My hope is [...]

Islam Vs Christianity

Islam seems like an indecipherable puzzle to many Christians, and Christianity is likewise perplexing to many Muslims. Christians and Muslims sometimes experience an element of fear or uncertainty when encountering those of the other faith. This article will explore the essential similarities and differences between the two religions, so we can build bridges of friendship [...]

KJV Vs Geneva Bible

Do you know when the Bible was first translated into the English language? Partial translations of the Bible into Old English go back as far as the 7th century. The first complete translation of the Bible (into Middle English) was by the early English reformer John Wyclyffe in 1382.   William Tyndale started translating the [...]

Bible Verses About Life

When we think of the word “life,” many ideas come to mind. We each have our current mortal life, and we will one day have eternal life in immortal bodies. We each have a God-ordained purpose for our life and a way that God wants us to live our life. We also have a certain [...]

Don’t Take The Mark Of The Beast

Greetings! This post will be a bit more serious than what I normally do, so brace yourselves! It is about what the book of Revelations calls the “mark of the beast.” What is it and why should we avoid it? How will God respond if we do get this mark? Are there consequences if we [...]

What does the Bible say about abortion? Did you know that over 42.6 million babies were aborted worldwide last year? Since Roe-vs. Wade passed in 1973, an estimated 63 million babies have died by abortion in the U.S. What does God say about human value? How does God feel about life in the womb? Are [...]

There are over a thousand reasons to thank God daily. The first thing you should do when you wake up is get quiet with God and thank Him. Sometimes we lose sight of what is in front of us. How many times a week do you thank Jesus Christ for saving you? Be content with what [...]

What does the Bible say about gossip? Gossip may seem like an innocent form of communication but can sever relationships and cause division in a church. While people may believe they are simply sharing information, if their intent is to tear a person down, then they are not following the will of God. The Bible [...]

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