Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

God’s Love Vs Human Love

So we have come to know and believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. (1 John 4:16 ESV) God has many amazing attributes. We’re familiar with attributes such as him being all-knowing, all-powerful, all-present, and unchangeable. But God’s [...]

What does the Bible say about endurance? How do we endure tough times when we don’t understand what’s happening, when we’re in pain or grief, or when our goals seem elusive? Living in this world is literally living in a war zone because our adversary Satan is prowling about like a roaring lion looking for [...]

Spanking Children

Bible verses about spanking children Nowhere in Scripture does it condone child abuse, but it does recommend disciplining your children. A little spanking wouldn’t hurt. It’s meant to teach children right from wrong. If you don’t discipline your child it will be a higher chance that your child grows up to be disobedient thinking they [...]

What does the Bible say about suffering? Chances are, you or someone you love is passing through suffering right now. It may be chronic pain, illness, or disability. It may be grief from some traumatic loss. It may be a fragmenting relationship. It may be the pain of struggling through seemingly insurmountable challenges. Do you [...]

Bible Verses About Rain

What does the Bible say about rain? What do you think about when you see rain fall from the sky? Do you think about God’s design and His gracious provision for the world? When is the last time that you thanked God for rain? Have you ever thought of rain as being a symbol of [...]

What does the Bible say about Christianity? In all the world religions, the primary difference between them and Christianity is the person Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus? Why does knowing EXACTLY who He is matter so much?  Who is Jesus Christ? Why does knowing EXACTLY who He is matter so much? Let’s found out more [...]


In 1971, many Christians who had been struggling through the archaic language of available translations were delighted to find a new translation in relatively modern English – the New American Standard Bible. The, seven years later, another version hit the Christian bookstores – the New International Version. Considered even easier to read, sales shot up, [...]

Bible Verses About War

What does the Bible say about war? War is a difficult subject. One that will bring about very strong feelings on every side. Let’s take a look at what God’s Word says about war. Christian quotes about war “The purpose of all wars, is peace.” – Augustine “Discipleship is always an inescapable war between the [...]

Life Verses For Teenage Girls

We would like to talk about our favorite Bible verses! Thousands of verses come to mind, but we’ll try to shorten it down to our top four life verses—one for each of us, and two to represent our blog. Hannah – For several years now I’ve had a life verse that I hold near and dear to [...]

What does the Bible say about voting? Turning 18 in the United States is significant for many individuals since it gives them the right to vote. In 2024, U.S. voters nationwide will practice their right as citizens to vote in the presidential election. Choosing the leaders we want as our governing authorities is a privilege. [...]

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