Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!


Bible verses about strife As Christians we are to have nothing to do with strife because it’s always caused by ungodly traits and it leads to arguments. It is caused by things that have no business in Christianity like pride, hate, and jealousy. We are to love others as ourselves, but strife does not do [...]

Praying For Others 

Bible verses about praying for others  How marvelous it is that we have a God who listens! How wonderful it is that we have a God who wants us to talk to Him! What a blessing it is that we can pray to our Lord. We don’t have to have a human intercessor – for [...]

What does the Bible say about cursing? In today’s culture cussing is normal. People cuss when they’re happy and excited. People cuss when they’re mad and even when they’re sad. Even though the world throws curse words around like it’s nothing, Christians are to be set apart. We are not to imitate the world and [...]

What does the Bible say about breakups? While the Bible does not give dating or breakup advice in any capacity, however, the Bible can offer guidance and comfort during these challenging times. In the aftermath of a relationship ending, it’s important to seek God’s solace and direction. Additionally, finding support in a Christian community remains [...]

What does the Bible say about community? Christians are all part of the body of Christ and we all have different functions. Some of us are strong in this area and some are strong in that area. Some of us can do this and some of us can do that. We must use what God [...]

What Is Hell?

Biblical definition of hell “Hell” is the place where those who reject the Lordship of Jesus Christ will experience the wrath and justice of God for all of eternity. Theologian Wayne Grudem defined “Hell” as “…a place of eternal conscious punishment for the wicked.[1]” It is mentioned many times throughout the scriptures. 17th Century Puritan, [...]

CSB Vs ESV Bible

In this article, we will look over the CSB and the ESV translation of the Bible. We will find the best fit for you by comparing the readability, translation differences, target audience, and more. Origin  CSB – In 2004 the Holman Christian Standard version was first published. ESV – In 2001, the ESV translation was [...]

Bible Quotes

Quotes about the Bible How do you feel about the Bible? Do you find it challenging to read? Do you view it as another Christian chore that you are struggling with? What does your personal Bible study life say about your relationship with God? Do you know the beauty behind making a daily habit of [...]

Angels Vs Demons

Do you believe in angels? What about demons? What do you think they look like? What do they do? Let’s explore what the Bible says! What are angels? God created angels to serve and glorify Him. They are mighty in strength, obeying and performing God’s Word, and doing His will. (Psalm 103:20-21) Angels are created [...]

What Is Wordwood In The Bible?

Wormwood holds symbolic significance in the Bible as the plant represents bitterness, affliction, and the consequences of turning away from God’s ways. It is mentioned multiple times throughout the Bible, often in the context of punishment and judgment. The term “wormwood’ originates from the plant Artemisia Absinthium known for its better taste. Understanding the biblical [...]

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