Why should God let you into Heaven?

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What does the Bible say about flat earth? What used to lurk amongst the websites full of various political conspiracy theories has become increasingly mainstream. Flat earth theory. But does the Bible actually support this theory? Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat?  Flat Earth Theory support has grown rapidly. This is largely [...]

What does the Bible say about sports? Heading to a game with your family or friends may be one of your favorite pastimes.  Or, if you’re a Christian athlete, you may spend much of your time on the field or court. Have you ever wondered about God’s perspective on sports? It might surprise you. If [...]

Good Intentions

Bible verses about good intentions By just having good intentions what will that do? Christians are to be doers of the Word not just hearers. We are not to trust in our minds, but live by the Word of God. In the Bible we see times where good intentions led to bad decisions and sin. [...]

Bible Verses About Mercy

What does the Bible say about mercy? When you think of God’s mercy you automatically think about grace. Many people get the two mixed up. Although they are close in meaning they are not the same thing. Grace is God’s unmerited favor and it goes beyond mercy. Mercy is God not giving us the punishment [...]

Only God Can Judge Me

What does only God can judge me mean? We all have heard this statement at some point in our lives, but is this statement biblical? The plain answer is no. This is actually a Tupac Shakur song. When people say this, they are saying you are a human and you have no right to judge [...]

What does the Bible say about sparrows? Sparrows or finches are short-beaked tiny birds ready to make noise, stay active, and prolific. The temple precincts gave protection to the sparrow in biblical times. Even though sparrows were inexpensive to purchase, the Lord was concerned about their welfare. Not a single sparrow fell to the ground [...]

Caring What Others Think

Bible verses about caring what others think I do not believe there is any way to fully stop caring what others think. We can become bold, we can do the will of God, we can become more confident, more extroverted, etc. Although we can compress it and we can significantly become better in this area [...]

Graven Images

Bible verses about graven images The Second Commandment is thou shalt not make any graven image. It is idolatry to worship false gods or the true God by statues or pictures. First, no one knows how Jesus looks like so how can you make an image of him? There are graven images in Roman Catholic [...]

Ungrateful People

Bible verses about ungrateful people People today are being less content and not seeing true blessings. It’s not only children being ungrateful it’s adults as well. Probably the type of ungratefulness I despise the most is when someone complains there is no food inside their house. By that they mean the particular food they want [...]

What does the Bible say about sickness? Many people believe as Christians, they will no longer endure hardship and illness despite the Bible never making such a claim. While God can heal people, He may have another purpose for sickness, or He may not give a reason why someone stays unhealed. Either way, even as [...]

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