Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

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Bible versions are often tricky as most people do not understand the differences. Let’s break down two of the more popular versions for a fair comparison and to find which option works best for you. Both the NLT and NKJV are unique and deserve a review.  Origin of the NLT and NKJV NLT  The New [...]

KJV Vs Douay-Rheims Bible

Today, we have many Bible translations in English to choose from, but that wasn’t always the case. In the Middle Ages, people didn’t own Bibles. They only heard the Bible read at church; even then, they couldn’t understand it. It was read in Latin, a language the common people didn’t know. A change began when [...]


We have many English translations of the Bible today, and sometimes it’s confusing when choosing the one that’s the best for you. Two important criteria to consider are reliability and readability. Reliability means how faithfully and accurately a translation represents the original texts. We want to be sure we’re reading what the Bible actually says. [...]

Who Was Barak In The Bible?

The fourth and fifth chapters of Judges tell the extraordinary story of the Hebrew warrior Barak. God used Barak, the prophetess Deborah, and a Kenite woman named Jael to deliver the Israelites from the Canaanites. These unlikely heroes scored a great victory that brought peace to the Israelites for forty years.   Barak is a [...]

Evangelical Vs Protestant

Have you ever checked out a church’s website and seen that they identify as “Evangelical?” Or perhaps you’ve seen a Christian author, musician, or popular speaker described as Evangelical or Protestant. What do the words “Protestant” or “Evangelical” mean to you? This article will explore the origins of both Christian movements. How are they alike [...]

Pantheism Vs Panentheism

Two philosophical ideas that are easily confused is pantheism vs panentheism. Let’s try to dig into this a bit to see what all the differences are and what Scripture has to say about them. What is pantheism? Pantheism is a philosophical belief that God can be equated with the universe and what is in it. [...]

There are many arguments to make a case for the existence of God. However, most of them don’t tell us much about the character of God. The moral argument comes to our aid in this case. The most acknowledged formal argument is the one used by William Lane Craig which is as follows: Moral Argument [...]

Jesus Vs God

Have you ever wondered how God the Father and Jesus the Son can be the same Person? Many people wonder, are there differences between Jesus and God? Did Jesus ever actually claim to be God? Can God die? There are several misconceptions regarding the deity of Christ. Let’s take a look at these and several [...]

Biblical Reasons To Kill

When we talk about justifiable killing we must always remember to use discernment. Just because you can kill someone doesn’t mean you should. We are no longer under the Old Testament law so we are not to kill people for things like adultery, being a rebellious child, or homosexuality. We are to always obey the [...]

Priest Vs Pastor

You’re probably aware that some churches have priests and others have pastors, and perhaps you’ve wondered what the difference is. In this article, we’ll explore the distinction between the two: what sort of churches they lead, what they wear, if they can get married, what kind of training they need, what the Bible says about [...]

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