Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

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Being Deceived

Bible verses about being deceived Scripture repeatedly tells us to watch out for people who may try to deceive us, but sadly many people overlook the warning. If there has ever been a time to be on guard it would be now. More and more wolves are popping up and deceiving many. Shield yourself with [...]


Bible verses about reputation Your reputation will follow you everywhere. We all remember in high school that person who was known for bad things, and that person who was known for good things. Live in a way that is honorable. People usually don’t remember the good. People usually remember the one bad thing. All it [...]


Bible verses about despair Contrary to what many people think, life as a Christian will not always be easy. When I was dealing with despair I noticed that it was because I was putting my focus and trust in everything else besides God. I was constantly dwelling on my problems and taking my eyes off [...]


Bible verses about uncertainty Life is full of ups and downs. If we think that life is all about being happy, we will be sorely disappointed. If we think that all God wants is for us to be happy, then we will think that our religion has failed when we are not happy. We need [...]

Making Promises

Bible verses about making promises Christians should not make promises at all. It doesn’t matter if it’s to God, our friends, or our children. Sometimes people make promises and they can’t deliver or sometimes people just don’t want to when the time comes. How does that glorify God? You don’t know how your life will [...]

Who I Am In Christ

Bible Verses about who I am in Christ In the midst of many voices in our head that wage war against our identity we forget who we are in Christ. I need to remind myself daily that my identity does not lie in my mistakes, my struggles, my embarrassing moments, those discouraging negative voices in [...]

Praying Out Loud

Bible verses about praying out loud There is nothing wrong with praying out loud, but it should never be done to impress others and be seen by people. Don’t be like the hypocrite Pharisees who used public praying as a way to show off. All our prayers should be with humility and they should be [...]

What does the Bible say about poverty? In life one thing that will never change is the huge number of people living in poverty. As Christians we must give all we can to the poor and never close our eyes to their cries. Closing our eyes to the poor is like doing it to Jesus, [...]


Bible verses about sodomy Anal to anus sex should not be done even if it’s in marriage and it’s very dangerous. The anus has a lot of bacteria and with anal sex there is a greater chance of having anal cancer. Is sodomy a sin? Yes, sodomy is homosexuality and God never intended for a [...]

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