The Talmud and the Torah are mistakenly used interchangeably by non-Jewish people. These are two of the most important words in all of Jewish history. Though they are both religious manuscripts, they are two totally different things. What is the Torah? Torah is the Hebrew word for “instruction.” Another word for this group of books [...]
What does the Bible say about community? Christians are all part of the body of Christ and we all have different functions. Some of us are strong in this area and some are strong in that area. Some of us can do this and some of us can do that. We must use what God [...]
What does the Bible say about New Year? I love December and January. In December we get to celebrate Christmas and after Christmas, we get to celebrate the New Year. Did you know that God changed the calendar just before He freed the Hebrews from Egypt? He made that month of deliverance the first month [...]
What does the Bible say about justification by faith? Unlike what Roman Catholicism teaches, Christians are justified by faith alone. No works! You cannot work your way into Heaven. We are not saved by the law, but Jesus alone. Cursed is the one who tries to work out his own salvation. Many Catholics try to [...]
Bible verses about not working Christians are to have nothing to do with idleness. Not only is it sinful, it is disgraceful as well. How does being slothful ever glorify God? We are never to live off of others. Idle hands are the devil’s workshop. When you’re not doing something productive with your time that leads [...]
What does the Bible say about trusting God? You can trust God. Many of you are going through the biggest storm of your life, but I want you to know that you can really trust God. I’m not a motivational speaker. I’m not trying to be cliche with things that all Christians may say. I’m [...]
Bible verses about partying Scripture clearly tells us we must not try to fit in with the world. We are not to indulge in things that God hates. Most high school, college, or adult parties are filled with worldly music, weed, alcohol, drug dealing, more drugs, devilish dancing, sensual women, lustful men, sex, unbelievers, and more ungodly things. [...]
What does the Bible say about leadership? “Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is victory.” (Proverbs 11:14) In every aspect of life – whether family, church, organizations, business, or government – wise and capable leadership is key. God has a lot to say about leadership – [...]
What does the Bible say about science? What do we mean by science? Science is the knowledge of the physical world and its observable facts and events. It includes general truths about our world based on observation, investigation, and testing. It also includes understanding general laws, such as Newton’s law of universal gravitation or Archimedes’ [...]
What does the Bible say about hunting? Many Christians wonder, is hunting a sin? The answer is no. God gave us animals for food, transportation, etc. The big question in the minds of many believers, is it wrong to hunt for fun? I will explain more about this below. Christian quotes about hunting “Many of [...]