Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

What does the Bible say about doing your best? There are a few points I want to touch on with this topic. First, we must never work for our salvation. Doing your best is not trying to get into Heaven by your own efforts. Scripture makes it clear that our good deeds are filthy rags. [...]

What does the Bible say about the tongue? The Bible says a lot about the way we should and shouldn’t speak. But why does the Bible put such an emphasis on the way we speak? Let’s find out below. Christian quotes about the tongue “The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break [...]

Bible Verses About Light

What does the Bible say about light? In the beginning God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. He saw that the light was good. Light is always something good and positive in Scripture. It is a symbol of God, His children, truth, faith, righteousness, etc. Darkness is the opposite of every single [...]

How Old Would Jesus Be Today?

While Jesus lives to this very day, He no longer lives on Earth as a human. He has permanently taken on His spiritual form so He can live in Heaven with God. Still, many wonder how old Jesus’s human form would be today if He were still alive today. Let’s take a closer look at [...]

What Does God Look Like?

Have you ever wondered what God looks like? Do you picture Him as an old man with a beard floating around in the clouds? Has anyone ever seen God and described what He looks like? The answer is yes! We’ll unwrap that in this article. If God is Spirit, how can He have an appearance [...]

CSB Vs ESV Bible

In this article, we will look over the CSB and the ESV translation of the Bible. We will find the best fit for you by comparing the readability, translation differences, target audience, and more. Origin  CSB – In 2004 the Holman Christian Standard version was first published. ESV – In 2001, the ESV translation was [...]

Atheism Vs Theism

Atheism and Theism are polar opposites. The religion of Atheism is growing quickly. How can we understand the differences? How can we as Christians know how to handle discussions about this debate when it arises? What is Atheism? Atheism is a non-structured religion with a belief centered around the non-existence of God. Atheism is non-structured [...]

NIV 1978 Vs 1984

The New International Version Bible was first released in 1978 and has been a best-selling translation worldwide. The New York Bible Society and more than a hundred other non-denominational scholars created this popular English Bible. It’s a thought-for-thought and word-for-word translation viewed as an accurate and smooth-to-read version of the Bible. The NIV Bible was [...]

Christianity Vs Mormonism Differences

How is Mormonism different from Christianity? Mormons are some of the kindest and friendliest people we could know. Their views on family and morality is not far different from that of Christians. And indeed, they call themselves Christians. So are there differences between Mormons and Christians when it comes to how they view God, the [...]

Blaming God

Bible verses about blaming God Are you always blaming God for your problems? We should never blame or be angry at God especially for our own foolishness, mistakes, and sins. We say things like, “God why didn’t you stop me from making that decision? Why did you put that person in my life who caused [...]

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