What does the Bible say about tattoos? We always see tattoo Bible verses and many Christians wonder, are tattoos a sin and should they get one? I believe tattoos are sinful and believers should stay away from them. Tattoos have been known as a sin in Christianity for centuries, but now things are changing. The [...]
Bible verses about rumors Rumors are very dangerous and they travel extremely fast. Christians are to have nothing to do with them. That means we are not to listen to them or spread them. You could have entertained a rumor and not even knew. Have you ever started a sentence by saying I heard he or I [...]
What does the Bible say about writing? Writing is not only a job, its therapeutic. As emotions rise and become tangled, jumbled thoughts, it can be relieving to find the words to untangle them and put them on paper. But one thing that all writers experience is writer’s block. Christian quotes about writing “The world [...]
Encouraging Bible verses to start the day Do you struggle with discouragement? If so, you are not alone. If there is one battle that I have been struggling with my entire Christian walk, it has to be the battle of discouragement. I have to constantly be encouraged by God and what better way to be constantly [...]
Bible verses about karma Many people ask is karma biblical and the answer is no. Karma is a Hinduism and Buddhism belief that says your actions determine the good and the bad that happens to you in this life and the afterlife. Karma is associated with reincarnation, which basically says what you do today will [...]
Bible verses about missing someone Are you missing a family member or a friend who moved away? Maybe it’s someone who is away just for the moment, or someone who passed away? Whenever you’re missing a loved one seek God’s assistance for comfort. Ask God to encourage and heal your heart. In all situations remember, He is [...]
“If God is the creator of everything, then who created God? If you theists want us to believe that everything that exists has a cause then God needs a cause too! Who caused God? You guys are inconsistent in your beliefs, because you want to apply the law of causality to everything in the universe [...]
What does the Bible say about joy? One of the most important things in the Christian life is joy. However, it seems as if far too many believers are living without joy. It seems as if we’re just barely getting by and going through the daily motions of life. We were meant for so much [...]
Bible verses about meddling We all have heard stories about meddling mother-in-laws and instigating friends. When you have too much time on your hands and you’re not busy working that can easily lead to sin and worrying about other people’s business. Meddling causes more harm than good. If it has nothing to do with you [...]
Bible verses about name calling Scripture tells us that Christians should not name call others because it comes from unrighteous anger. For example, someone accidentally steps on your shoes and you say fool. Do you know if that person is a fool? No, but are you angry he stepped on your shoes? Yes, that’s why you [...]