Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

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Bible verses about excuses We should not be making excuses because they usually lead to sin. In life, you will always hear excuses like “no one is perfect” from someone who wants to justify rebellion towards God’s Word. Christians are a new creation. We can’t live a life of willful sin. If a person practices [...]

Lukewarm Christians

Bible verses about lukewarm Christians I would like to start off by saying most of the people in churches today are lukewarm false converts. People always ask am I a lukewarm Christian? Sometimes a person is just a weak immature believer, but he won’t remain that way. Then, other times a person is just lukewarm [...]

What does the Bible say about teachers? Are you a Christian teacher? In a way, we all are teachers at some point in our lives. Whether it is teaching at a school, church, home, or anywhere teach what is appropriate and right. Have confidence in the Lord, conduct yourself in an honorable manner, and bring [...]

Defending The Faith

Bible verses about defending the faith We need apologetics! We must boldly hold the truths of Jesus Christ. If we don’t defend the faith people won’t know about Christ, more people will be going to hell, and more false teachings will be brought into Christianity. It is so sad that most so-called Christians just sit [...]

What does the Bible say about evil? What is evil in the Bible? Evil is anything that is opposite to the holy character of God. Anything contrary to the will of God is evil. There is no denying that evil exists in the world. Skeptics use evil to disprove God. However, one of the ways [...]

Weight Loss

Bible verses for weight loss Scripture says that we are to take care of our bodies. While there are many Christian weight loss workouts I recommend old fashioned running, dieting, and weightlifting. While there is nothing wrong with losing weight it can easily turn into an idol, which is bad. You can easily start making it the [...]

Child Abuse

Bible verses about child abuse Contrary to what deceitful Bible critics say, Scripture never condones child abuse in any way. Child abuse usually comes from anger that is taken out on children, which is definitely wrong. Spanking is not child abuse. In America if a parent disciplines a child some people scream child abuse. A whooping [...]

Shacking Up

Bible verses about shacking up Plain and simple Christians should not be shacking up. If Jesus was in front of your face you would not tell Him, “well I’m thinking about moving in with my girlfriend.” We are not here to do what we want to do and we’re not here to be like the [...]

What does the Bible say about safety? For safety in life, Christians have God’s Word to protect us from danger and mistakes. Many times the reason people are going through trials in life is because we don’t abide by the wisdom of the Bible. Though this is true God has the power to turn any [...]

Making A Difference

Bible verses about making a difference Do you sometimes tell yourself, “I can’t do it?” Well, guess what? Yes you can! God has a plan for everyone and as Christians, we are to make differences in the world. Don’t be like other Christians, be like Christ. You might be the only Christian in your family [...]

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