Why should God let you into Heaven?

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The occult practice of astral projection or an out of body experience is of the devil and it is clearly forbidden in Scripture. I am surprised at the number of people who actually try to defend this. Sorcery has always been an abomination to God. Practicing things of the occult are very dangerous and they [...]

What does the Bible say about the Trinity? It is impossible to be a Christian without having a Biblical understanding of the Trinity. This truth is found throughout Scripture and was solidified at the First Ecumenical Counsel of the early church. It was from that counsel meeting that the Athenasian Creed was developed. If you [...]

Eating Disorders

Bible verses about eating disorders Many people struggle with eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and bulimia nervosa. Eating disorders are another form of self-harm. God can help! Satan tells people lies and says, “this is what you need to look like and this is what you need to do to make it happen.” Christians [...]


Bible verses about wizards As we get closer to the Return of Christ we are hearing more about witchcraft and occult practices. The world is even promoting it in our movies and books. God makes it clear that He will not be mocked, sorcery is an abomination to God. First, believers are to have nothing [...]

What does the Bible say about strength? Are you using your own strength? Don’t waste your weakness! Use your trial and your struggles to rely more upon the strength of God. God provides both physical and spiritual strength in our time of need. God has given some believers the strength to remain in captivity for [...]

What does the Bible say about rainbows? The rainbow was a sign from God to Noah that He promised never to destroy the earth by flood for the judgment of sin. The rainbow shows more than that. It shows God’s glory and His faithfulness. In this sinful world God promises to protect you from the [...]

What does the Bible say about affliction? Regarding this topic the words from Scripture I always remember are “many are the afflictions of the righteous.” Sometimes we might question God and ask, “Lord what did I do wrong? Did I sin?” Scripture makes it clear that even though a believer has been faithful and has [...]


Bible verses about usury The usury is America is very sinful and ridiculous. We are not to be like the greedy banking systems and payday loans when giving money to our family, friends, and to the poor. In some cases interest can be taken like business deals. It would be better never to borrow money. [...]

What does the Bible say about retirement? When deciding to retire always put God first to make wise decisions. When you finally do retire remember God is always with you to help and encourage you. Even though you retire from your job being a Christian and serving Christ never stops. There are many people who [...]

Spending Time With God

Bible verses about spending time with God For some of you who are reading this God is telling you “I want to spend time with you, but you are not listening. I love you and I want to talk to you, but you are throwing me under the rug. You lost your first love.” We treat [...]

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