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I Want More Of God In My Life

I always find myself filled with tears in my prayer closet. There’s a deep desire for God. I’m not satisfied with anything, all I want is Him. I never know how much I miss the Lord until I’m actually with the Lord in prayer. Nothing satisfies!

I Want More Of God In My Life: 5 Things To Ask Yourself Now

Are you being distracted from God?

Every worldly desire and every anxious thought is meaningless and it leaves me broken in the end. I hate my flesh with a passion because it’s my flesh which hinders me from experiencing Him to the fullest.

Some days I want to go to sleep and just wake up in heaven. My tears will be gone, my flesh will be done away with, and I get to enjoy my Savior in an indescribable way.

I get so tired of being distracted from God. One day I even drove 800+ miles through 5 states just to get alone with God on the mountains. I’m tired of not thinking about Jesus the way He desires to be thought about. I’m tired of finding things more precious than Christ. I remember what Jesus was putting on my heart while driving to North Carolina “Fritz you don’t acknowledge me the way you used to.”

One of the worst pains in the world is when Jesus lets you know that you don’t look at Him the same. Something is affecting your love relationship with Jesus. You turn right you turn left. You look in the front you look in the back, but you don’t see the problem. Then, you look in the mirror and you’re face to face with the culprit.

What is your prayer life?

You and I are the cause of a broken love relationship with the Father. Ask yourself, are the things that you are currently doing now more important than time with Christ? Is love a reality in your life? Love never says, “I’m busy.” Love makes time!

We become consumed by things that leave us dry. We become consumed by things that waste our time. We even become consumed by doing things for God that we neglect Him in prayer. We forgot about our King. We forgot about our first love. When no one understood us, He understood us. When we were hopeless He gave up His perfect Son for us. When the world says we need these things to complete us, He reminds us that we are loved. He didn’t leave us, it was us who left Him and now we’re empty and dry.

Do you desire more of God’s presence?

There is nothing more satisfying than more of God’s presence in your life. His Word becomes more precious. His voice becomes beautiful. Worship becomes more intimate. Your heart begins to break as you wrap up a night of intimate worship because all your heart wants is Him! You start to weep and then you give in to more worship and you scream, “OK God I’ll worship for 5 more minutes.” Then 5 more minutes turns into 30 more minutes.

Has this ever been a reality in your worship life? Have you ever been so on fire that it broke your heart to leave His presence? If you have never experienced this what is holding you back from seeking Christ until you experience this? If you used to experience this what happened to your prayer life? When Jesus is enough nothing stops you from seeking His face. You become relentless in prayer. The hungry soul would rather die than live apathetic towards Christ.

What is holding you back?

It’s never too late to seek more of God. We have a tendency to be faithless, but God remains faithful. He’s always been by your side. He’s been watching you. He’s been waiting for you to pick up where you left off. God wants you to grow in a deeper knowledge of Him than you have ever known. God wants you to grow in a greater intimacy than you have ever experienced. God wants to build that love relationship with you, but you have to allow Him to.

If you are truly serious, the things that are holding you back have to be removed from your life. It sounds good to say, “I want more of God in my life.” However, you must always remember that sometimes there are things that have to go. Idols have to be removed. Hebrews 12:1 reminds us that we have to remove the sin that so easily entangles us. Christ is worth it! He is worthy of everything.

God is waiting for you. How will you respond next?

Run to Him and begin to enjoy Him today. I know how it feels when nothing seems to satisfy. I know how it feels when there’s something missing, but you can’t put your finger on it. You find yourself crying in the middle of the night for no reason. There is a longing that has to be satisfied. There is a spiritual appetite that needs to be fed. There is a thirst that needs to be quenched. There is hunger for more of Jesus.

Do you remember those special moments when all that was on your mind was Jesus? It’s time to go back to those special moments, but I’ll let you know right now that you have to be willing to listen to Him. Before you can hear, you have to learn how to be still. Be still and allow Him to remind you of His love. Allow Him to show you areas in your life that you need to grow in.

There are so many intimate and special things that God desires to tell you, but you have to grow in your intimacy with Him. Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Now that you know that God is waiting for you. Don’t keep Him waiting any longer.

Are you saved?

The first step to experiencing God is becoming saved. If you’re not sure of your salvation. Please read this salvation article.

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Fritz Chery
I am a Christian, saved by grace through faith in Christ alone. In 2013, I founded BibleReasons.com, driven by a deep passion to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. My heart’s desire is not only that we come to know Him but that we cultivate an intimate relationship with Him through prayer.
5 comments… add one
  • Abigail May 31, 2019, 9:56 am

    I’m so grateful! Words can’t describe my gratefulness. Thanks for your frankness and saying the real truth

    • Fritz Chery Jun 6, 2019, 3:56 am

      Hey Abigail,

      Thank you so much for the encouragement. I’m glad that this article has touched your heart.

      God bless,

  • Binaalaks Aug 17, 2019, 10:47 pm

    I cried reading this. God bless you for sharing this article. I have been liberated.

  • Godlovesu Sep 3, 2020, 8:57 pm

    I kept looking at different websites until I got here, the first few sentences told me that I was at the right place. I could read it the whole day, I am thankful to God for putting this in your heart. Every sentence the way it was crafted, was crafted for me. I keep struggling to go back to where I was but I see it so clearly in my head, I know how it look like and when I think about how to do it, you are right, I cant put my finger at it. The thirst is there, the hunger is there, the appetite is there, but I get so distracted. I am uplifted by this, uplifted that I am where he desires me to be.

  • Sunday Okoro Jan 15, 2021, 11:10 am

    I am blessed reading this article, it’s really life saving. I so much wish to partner with you…GOD bless you and more grace.

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