“How do I find rest and peace?” asked every human ever. We all go through rough patches in life and we all just want these two things. As Christians, we have access to peace and rest in Christ.

Philippians 4:7 says “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
You may ask yourself “How do I access this?” Well, you see, you have access to all God gives the moment you put your trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. God only wants good things for you and peace and rest falls under the category of good things. Who doesn’t like good things? I think a big step to walking in peace is letting go of understanding. I know it is not easy.
Frankly, I like control, and I like to understand things. It is not easy to let go of control and understanding. This is a step I always have to be conscious of. I don’t want complete control over my life when there is a way so much better for me. That is where trusting God falls into place. Trust that God is in control. Trust that His way for your life is way better than your own way. When you walk in His way, you immediately see this. His peace is something you can trust in. Be reminded that God’s peace is not passive and it is not temporary, because it is a supernatural peace. His peace can be very active in your life and always be accessible in your life.
Forget understanding. I think a big thing about God’s peace is allowing it to work in your life. I was in a place that I would pray for peace constantly, but I would forget that I already had access to it. I would pray for it and ask why I did not have it? How crazy is that notion I was living in? Maybe not that crazy because as humans we do it often. I was praying for a peace that I already had and still have. All I had to do was forget understanding the purpose of my situation and just allow God’s peace to move in my life.
Once I allowed God full access, His peace followed. Let me paint you the picture of the situation I was in that I desperately needed peace. It is a situation that I think can be common in families. So, Thanksgiving of 2017 my aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. Soon after the diagnosis, we were told the cancer was also on her spine. My family was and is still faced with all this uncertainty. All we knew to do was follow the steps the doctors were giving us.
Fast forward to now in May, my aunt has completed two rounds of chemo and is about to have a double mastectomy. This is a huge surgery that has an intense healing period. What my family needs is peace. What I need is peace. Instead of begging for peace like I have done before, I trusted God and believed Him when He said I have access to His peace as His daughter. I gave up my understanding and allowed Him to move in my life. Wow! That is all I can say about what God has put in our life. Instead of uncertainty and chaos, we have peace and faith in whatever the outcome may be. God is faithful and He wants good things for us. Peace and rest are good things.
Psalm 4:8 says “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.”
I chose this verse for the very fact that it speaks of peace and rest together. Can you really have one without the other? Rest will always follow peace. When you begin to walk in God’s supernatural peace, you are welcome to finally rest in Him. Instead of worry, there’s rest. Instead of chaos, there’s rest. This rest is a supernatural rest. It is not the same rest as sitting down on the couch after a long day, which is temporary.
This supernatural rest is everlasting. It is reassurance. It is a trust in God. God is faithful, and He has it all worked out so you can rest. When you are in life, and you are constantly searching for peace there is no rest. You are too busy searching to actually rest. It is not possible to rest when you do not have peace. The minute I allowed God to move in my life peace followed, I knew I was able to rest in Him. Despite the trial my family is faced with, peace and rest is available and it is always available.
This is beautiful and inspiring to help understand about keeping faith with the weight of the world struggling on your shoulders