What does the Bible say about famine? Throughout the world we hear about famines not only about food, but of the Word of God. There is a spiritual famine going on and it will only get worse. People don’t want to hear the truth anymore. They don’t want to hear about sin and hell. They [...]
Bible verses about the Catholic Church Theology does not save us. However, bad theology can hinder us from seeing, knowing, and experiencing the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church claims to be the only true church established 2000 years ago by Jesus Christ. This claim however was rejected by the Reformers [...]
What does the Bible say about distractions? Distraction from God is extremely dangerous. As believers we believe that God is the captain of our ship. When you start losing sight of your captain, you start trying to steer your own ship. Not only does this lead to going the wrong way, but it can lead [...]
What does the Bible say about sin? We all sin. It’s a fact and part of human nature. Our world is fallen and corrupt because of sin. It is impossible to never sin, if anyone says that they’ve never committed any iniquity, they are outright liars. Only Jesus Christ, who was and is perfect in [...]
What does the Bible say about discipline? Scripture has a lot to say about discipline. Whether it is God’s discipline, self-discipline, child discipline, etc. When we think of discipline we should always think about love because that is where it derives from. People who play sports discipline themselves for the sport that they love. We [...]
Bible verses about intelligence Where does intelligence come from? Where does morality come from? The atheist worldview cannot account for these questions. Intelligence cannot come from non-intelligence. All intelligence comes from God. The world could have only been created by someone who is eternal and Scripture says that is God. God is infinitely intelligent and [...]
Bible verses about healthcare Although Scripture does not directly talk about healthcare, there are definitely many biblical principles that we can follow regarding this topic. Health is important to the Lord and it is essential for a healthy walk with Christ. Quotes “God made your body, Jesus died for your body, and He expects you [...]
Bible verses about hurting others Throughout Scripture Christians are told to love others. Love does no harm to its neighbor. We are not to hurt others physically or emotionally. Words do hurt people. Think before you say something to hurt someone’s feelings. Not only words said directly to the person, but words said when that [...]
Bible verses about headaches I used to suffer from terrible migraines when I was a child. They were so annoying and just kept coming back. I remember the unbearable thumping pain that lasted for a full week one time so I know how it can feel. I don’t get them as much nor are they [...]
What does the Bible say about home? The Family is an institution created by God. This beautiful creation is a mirror of the relationship between Christ and the Church. Many young couples eagerly anticipate their families gathering around together for lengthy family worship – only to see how hard it is, especially when babies and [...]