For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6
Bible verses about marrying a non Christian It is a sin to marry someone who is not Christian? It is not wise in any way to think you can convert someone down the way because most of the time it doesn’t work and it leads to more problems on top of other problems you will [...]
Bible verses for get well cards When we have friends or family members who are sick it’s always awesome to get them get well soon cards. As Christians we are to bear each other’s burdens. Continually pray for your loved ones and may these Scriptures be used to uplift them. May it remind them and [...]
Bible verses about housewarming Did you just buy a new home for your family or do you need some Scripture quotes for a Christian housewarming card? Buying a new home is a new step for all Christians, but remember to always put your trust in God. Pray continuously and if you need wisdom for anything, [...]
Bible verses about not fitting in The problem with trying to fit in is, it’s seeking joy in all the wrong places. You will never be satisfied when you do that. Find joy in Christ. Did Jesus ever fit in with the world? No, and neither will His followers. Why you ask? The world does [...]
When we think of the word “life,” many ideas come to mind. We each have our current mortal life, and we will one day have eternal life in immortal bodies. We each have a God-ordained purpose for our life and a way that God wants us to live our life. We also have a certain [...]
What does the Bible say about discipleship? A Christian disciple is a follower of Christ, but one thing you must know is the cost of following Jesus Christ is your life. It will cost you everything. You will have to say no to temptations and the things of this world. You will have to follow [...]
What does the Bible say about leadership? “Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is victory.” (Proverbs 11:14) In every aspect of life – whether family, church, organizations, business, or government – wise and capable leadership is key. God has a lot to say about leadership – [...]
What is repentance in the Bible? Biblical repentance is a change of mind and heart about sin. It’s a change of mind about who Jesus Christ is and what He has done for you and it leads to a turning away from sin. Is repentance a work? No, does repentance save you? No, but you can’t [...]
Bible verses about braggers In Scripture, we see that God does not approve of boasters. God commands us to humble ourselves before Him. Showing off and praising yourself never gives God glory. If you are going to boast, then boast in the Lord. A good example of sinful braggers in Scripture were the self-righteous Pharisees. Be on [...]