Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

What does the Bible say about sharing? Christians are to always share with others even if it is with our enemies. The only way we can happily share and give with others is if we have love. If we don’t have love we will help others out of pressure and with a bad heart. We [...]

What does the Bible say about God being with us? When we feel fearful, we need to be reminded of God’s presence.  When we feel weak in our faith, we need to be reminded of God’s promises and His great love for us. Even though God is all-powerful and so completely otherly in His holiness, [...]

What does the Bible say about talents? Our awesome God created everyone with unique abilities and talents to help serve our brothers and sisters in Christ. Sometimes we’re not even aware of the talents that we’re given by God until we run into different struggles in life. Give God thanks for all He has given [...]

Salt In The Bible

Bible verses about salt Salt today is a common, inexpensive household seasoning for food. But, historically, salt was scarce and expensive. Roman soldiers were paid with salt. This precious mineral was used to preserve and season foods, as a disinfectant, and in religious ceremonies. Newborn babies were covered with salt to reduce infection. The Greeks [...]

What does the Bible say about answered prayers? Prayer is the way that we communicate with God and it is extremely vital to the Christian life. We often get discouraged when our prayers are not answered in our own timing and we wonder, does it actually work? Does God actually answer prayer? The quick answer [...]

What does the Bible say about demons? Demons are frequent characters in horror stories and films. Many people claim to have seen them or evidence of demonic possession.  Pagans do rituals to safeguard themselves and their homes from demons entering in. However, what is true? What does Scripture say about demons? These verses include KJV, [...]

What does the Bible say about victory? Are you wondering what does the Bible say about victory? In this tumultuous time we are faced with a grueling election season, a world-wide pandemic, toilet paper shortage, and skyrocketing gas prices. It is hard not to feel defeated, but let’s remember that there is victory in Christ. [...]

What does the Bible say about the Trinity? It is impossible to be a Christian without having a Biblical understanding of the Trinity. This truth is found throughout Scripture and was solidified at the First Ecumenical Counsel of the early church. It was from that counsel meeting that the Athenasian Creed was developed. If you [...]

What does the Bible say about the rapture? Many ask, “is the rapture biblical?” The short answer is yes! You will not find the word “rapture” in the Bible. However, you will find the teaching. The rapture describes the snatching away of the church (Christians). There is no judgment, no punishment, and it will be [...]

What does the Bible say about judging others? People are always writing me saying, “don’t judge only God can judge.” This statement is not even in the Bible. Most of the people who say that it is wrong to judge others are not unbelievers. They are people who profess to be Christians. People don’t understand [...]

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