Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

Medi-Share Vs Liberty HealthShare

Healthcare costs are skyrocketing up. Even Obamacare can be expensive. In this MediShare vs Liberty HealthShare review we will help you with making the best choice for your family. Getting health insurance at a good price is hard and it’s even harder if you are self-employed. The goal of this article is to help you [...]

Peace That Surpasses All Understanding

Two years ago, I was living what I thought was my best life. I was super involved in my church, my marriage was going well, and I felt like I was walking in my calling. Each day I was putting on the armor of God and going to battle for the kingdom. I was fighting [...]

Christian Healthcare Ministries

Believers are now running to Christian Healthcare ministries faster than ever. Are you looking for healthcare alternatives to traditional health insurance? There are so many insurance options out there such as BlueCross BlueShield, UnitedHealthCare, Aetna, Humana, WellCare, Obamacare, etc. However, these companies can be expensive. More people are choosing healthcare ministries because they are affordable, [...]

How Was God Made?

As we humans are controlled and limited by earthly things, it’s hard to understand that God has no such limitations. In fact, God is not a created being like us but is instead the creator of all things and as such was not a created being. He is an omnipotent and omniscience God through whom [...]

What Does 11:11 Mean In The Bible?

The number 11:11 has and continues to gain superstitious significance in the world but not in the Bible. Using numerical sequences as a means of divine communication has been widely accepted by believers from early times. New age views believe 11 indicates an angel number; however, the Bible does not provide any credibility to these [...]


Both the English Standard Version (ESV) and the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) are revisions of the Revised Standard Version that dates to the 1950’s. However, their translation teams and targeted audiences were significantly different. The ESV is number 4 on the bestseller list, but the RSV is popular with academics. Let’s compare these two [...]

Bible Vs Abortion

On June 24, 2022, child advocates wept for joy while the abortion industry snarled in rage. The United States Supreme Court had overturned Roe vs. Wade. Abortion is no longer a federal right in the United States; however, individual states can mandate whether abortion is permitted and under what circumstances. Most people have no clue [...]

Keeping Your Faith While Grieving

Keeping your faith when things are going great seems easy but how do we keep the faith when things seems to be falling apart around us? As Christians, we are not promised a problem free life, but we are guaranteed a Savior that is always by our side. I was a senior in high school [...]

Positive Quotes To Start The Day

Don’t ever diminish the importance of starting your day off on the right foot. Whether negative or positive the attitude that you have in the morning can have a huge impact on how well your day goes. Here are some positive quotes to start the day with.     Start your day off right quotes [...]

Best Health Sharing Plans Comparison

If we are honest, health insurance costs are soaring. The results of rising insurance costs are that Christian health sharing plans are now becoming more and more attractive. Your family could be saving thousands of dollars by choosing a health insurance alternative such as Medi-Share or another health sharing ministry. In a sharing ministry you [...]

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