What does the Bible say about oceans? God’s love for you is deeper than the oceans and His presence is everywhere. Whenever you’re at the beach just thank God for His beautiful creation. If His hand has the power to create the seas, then rest assured His hand will guide you and get you through [...]
What does the Bible say about negativity? If you’re a Christian dealing with negativity in your life, the best way to overcome this, is to submit to God. Don’t be conformed to the world and don’t hang around bad influences. Be still and set your minds on Christ to rid yourself of the worries of [...]
Bible verses about borrowing money Many people wonder is borrowing money a sin? Maybe you want to borrow some money from someone or maybe someone wants to borrow money from you. Borrowing money is not always sinful, but Scripture lets us know that it can be sinful. It is not wise to borrow. We should [...]
What does the Bible say about justice? Our God is a God of justice and He never perverts it. We are to be followers of the Lord and we’re to never judge unfairly. God will give everyone what they deserve. It is said by many fake Christians that God loves and He never hates, which [...]
What does the Bible say about lions? Lions are one of God’s most beautiful creations, but at the same time they are very dangerous animals. Christians are to have lion-like characteristics for example boldness, strength, diligence, leadership, and determination. Throughout Scripture lions are used as similes and metaphors for good and bad. Let’s see examples [...]
Bible verses about Illuminati Many people ask is the Illuminati in the Bible and is it real? If the Illuminati conspiracy theory is true the goal is to bring false doctrine, lies, evil, and demonic influences into the world. When we think about the Illuminati we think about occult symbols, pyramids, a new world order, [...]
What does the Bible say about laughter? Laughing is an amazing gift from God. It helps you cope with sadness and everyday life. Have you ever felt mad and then someone said something to make you laugh? Even though you were upset the laughter made your heart feel better. It’s always great to have a [...]
Bible verses about God being our refuge Whenever you’re in trouble or feel alone run to the Lord for help because He will never forsake you. He is our hiding place. In my life the Lord continues to get me through trials and He will help you as well. Stand firm, have faith, and put all your [...]
What does the Bible say about meditation? There are many forms of meditation throughout the world. The word ‘meditate’ is even found in Scripture. It is vital that we have a Biblical world view to define this word, and not use a Buddhist definition. Christian quotes about meditation “Fill your mind with God’s Word and [...]
What does the Bible say about adversity? Right now life may seem hard for you, but God will help you get through these tough times. God can turn your worst day into your best day. Sometimes we make it seem as if we’re the only ones going through trials, but we’re not. Every Christian has [...]