Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

Baptist Vs Presbyterian

What is the difference between that Baptist church in town and the Presbyterian one across the street? Is there a difference? In previous posts we discussed, the baptist and methodist denomination. In this post, we will highlight the similarities and differences between two historic protestant traditions. The terms Baptist and Presbyterian are very general terms [...]

How Was God Made?

As we humans are controlled and limited by earthly things, it’s hard to understand that God has no such limitations. In fact, God is not a created being like us but is instead the creator of all things and as such was not a created being. He is an omnipotent and omniscience God through whom [...]

What does the Bible say about Noah’s Ark? Even non-Christians have heard of Noah’s Ark, often told as a child’s classic story when in fact, it’s an actual event that happened a few thousand years ago. Not all Christians know all the details about the event, such as the name of Noah’s wife. Before the [...]

Bible Verses About Ruth

What does the Bible say about Ruth? The story of Ruth is one of the most beloved historical narratives in the Old Testament. Yet, frequently, readers will confess that they have trouble understanding the doctrine or application of this particular book. Let’s see what Ruth has to teach us. Christian quotes about ruth “A “Ruth” [...]

What does the Bible say about favor?  Can I ask you a favor? We often say this, but could the word “favor” have more meaning than we realize? The online dictionary defines favor as “an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual.” Considering this definition, when we ask a favor, we’re potentially asking [...]

Who God Is

Bible verses about who God is We can know that there is a God by observing the created world around us. One of the biggest questions in man’s heart is, “Who is God?” We must turn to Scripture for the answer to this pressing question. The Bible is totally sufficient for telling us all about [...]

We only know a little about Jesus’s earthly life before his ministry. Scripture doesn’t mention his early life except for his birth, plus when he was 12 years old, he stayed in Jerusalem after Passover instead of going home with his family. Even the age he started his ministry is vague. Scripture tells us he [...]

What does the Bible say new creation? Thousands of years ago, God created the first man and woman: Adam and Eve. Now, God says that we who believe in Him are a new creation. “Whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come” (2 Corinthians [...]

How Old Is God?

How old is God? A few years ago, The Guardian newspaper asked that question, getting different answers from various people.[i] A humanistic answer was that God is a figment of our imaginations, and thus he (or she) is as old as the evolution of philosophical thought. One person answered that Jahveh (Yahweh), the Israelite God, [...]


The NRSV and NIV Bibles take different approaches to translating the Word of God and making it readable to modern people. Take a look at the differences and similarities to gain a better understanding each version and find which works best for your needs. Both offer unique options worthy of noting. Origin of the NRSV [...]

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