Bible verses about extortion Christians are to have nothing to do with blackmailing and extortion, which is indeed sin. It doesn’t matter if it has to do with money, something valuable, or someone’s secret we are to love each other. “Love does no harm to its neighbor.” We are to treat others the same way [...]
Bible verses for funerals It is always hard on us when we hear that we have lost a beloved family member, friend, or a member of our church has passed away. Death, funeral services, wakes, and memorials teach us and they awaken us. These scriptures can be used in sympathy cards, but they are not [...]
What does the Bible say about grandparents? There is nothing like the love and adoration of a grandparent to their grandchildren. It is a special relationship that is often filled with incredible joy. What does the Bible have to say about grandparents? How can they contribute to the lives of their grandchildren? What role do [...]
What does the Bible say about sinners? Scripture makes it clear that sin is the transgression of the law of God. It’s missing the mark and falling short of God’s standard. A sinner is someone that violates the divine law. The sin is the crime. However, the sinner is the criminal. Let’s look to see [...]
What does the Bible say about trusting God? You can trust God. Many of you are going through the biggest storm of your life, but I want you to know that you can really trust God. I’m not a motivational speaker. I’m not trying to be cliche with things that all Christians may say. I’m [...]
What does the Bible say about dreams? The Bible is full of dreams and visions that God used to guide, encourage, or warn people. But what exactly is a vision? How is it different from a dream? Does God still use dreams today? This article will unpack the answers to these questions and more. Christian [...]
What does the Bible say about salvation? Many people ask, “what is salvation?” In the Bible, we see that salvation is the deliverance from danger or the penalty of sin. Are your sins forgiven? Do you know the gospel (good news) that saves? If you don’t know the gospel and you can’t explain how to be [...]
What does the Bible say about heaven? Why should we think about heaven? God’s Word tells us to! “Keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.” (Colossians 3:2) It’s easy to get distracted [...]
What does the Bible say about failure? We all will fail at some point in our life. Failing is a learning experience so we can do better next time. There were many Biblical leaders who failed, but did they dwell on them? No they learned from their mistakes and kept on moving forward. Determination and failure [...]
Bible verses about curiosity We’ve all heard the quote, “curiosity killed the cat.” Curiosity can indeed lead you down a dark path. Christians must be careful to walk by the Holy Spirit. It is extremely easy to fall into sin and Satan can entice you. All it takes is one time. People say, “why is [...]