Why should God let you into Heaven?

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Spanking Children

Bible verses about spanking children Nowhere in Scripture does it condone child abuse, but it does recommend disciplining your children. A little spanking wouldn’t hurt. It’s meant to teach children right from wrong. If you don’t discipline your child it will be a higher chance that your child grows up to be disobedient thinking they [...]

Killing Innocent

Bible verses about killing innocent God hates hands that shed innocent blood. There are times when killing is acceptable for example, a police officer in a self-defense situation, but there are times when innocent people get killed as well. This is one of the reasons why cannibalism and abortion is so wicked. It’s murdering an innocent [...]

What does the Bible say about worship? Worship is a central part of Christianity because the Bible declares that we were created for the worship of God (ref. Isaiah 43:21). But what is worship? Is it a choir singing or a person playing guitar? Or is it much more than that?  Let’s explore what the [...]

What does the Bible say about fighting? Scripture is clear that Christians should not be arguing, fist fighting, creating drama, or repaying evil of any kind. No matter how hard it may seem, if someone slaps you on the cheek you must turn away from that person. If someone says some nasty words to you [...]

Feeling Worthless

Bible verses about feeling worthless The thought of a Christian feeling worthless and unworthy is a lie from no one other than the devil. He’s been a liar from the beginning and he’s trying to stop you from doing God’s will for your life. Resist the devil by putting on the full armor of God. [...]


Bible verses about haters As Christians we are to always be humble and never brag about anything, but there are some people without you even bragging who might be jealous of your achievements. Hating and bitterness is a sin and can be brought on by getting a new job or promotion, buying a new house, [...]

Lending Money

Bible verses about lending money Scripture tells us borrowing money in some cases can be sinful. When Christians lend money to family and friends we should do it out of love not for interest. There are some cases where interests can be taken for example a business deal, but we must watch out for greed [...]

Bible verses about taking advantage of someone People love taking advantage of Christians. We’ve all been used and it never feels good. Scripture teaches us to help others and people use this to freeload off of us. There are some friends who are not even friends at all, but just use you for things. Do [...]


Bible verses about mockers  One of the reasons we know Christ is coming soon is by the huge increase in scoffers and mockers. One of the evilest signs I have ever seen was a sign that read, “God is gay.” It was disgusting. It was a complete mockery of God and his righteousness. The mockery [...]

What does the Bible say about common sense? In life, you will not get far without having common sense. Common sense tells us that there is a God. All it takes is stepping outside your door and looking all around you to see that there is a God. People disregard the scientific facts in the [...]

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