Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

We all heard the quote “pray hardest when it is hardest to pray.” This quote means when things get tough that is when you should be seeking the Lord the most. It is so easy to get discouraged when trials occur. When trials occur many people give up, get discouraged, and think to themselves, “It doesn’t [...]

Trusting God When It’s Hard

“It’s just not fair, this has got to be a joke.. right? I mean, I’m Christian, I thought this would never happen to us.” Have you ever thought this? I have. I just couldn’t understand why my husband, a good man, a Christian man, a Christian family man would get diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Wasn’t God real? Didn’t He protect [...]

Can God Resurrect A Cremated Body?

Many Christians feel uncomfortable with the idea of cremation. Is it wrong to desecrate a body by burning it? Some Christians even wonder if God can resurrect a cremated body. Let’s face it. In this day and age, everything is getting more expensive. The cost of traditional burials has skyrocketed to more than $7000. Many [...]

Do you love to read? Reading is a wonderful pastime and has many benefits for our minds and bodies. As followers of Christ, one of the books we love to read is the Bible. The Bible comprises 66 books written by 40 different authors over 1,500 years. It includes 30,000 sentences or verses within its [...]

Recently I wrote a post about cheating on tests, but now let’s discuss cheating in a relationship. Is it wrong? Whether it is sex, oral, kissing, or willingly trying to do something with a partner that is not yours cheating is cheating. There is a saying if it feels like cheating than it most likely [...]

How To Worship God?

It seems harder than ever to make time to worship God. Whether it’s a busier schedule because of homeschooling, added stress, or church being closed, I think all of us can say this is an area that can use some serious growth. However, the craziness of this year can’t be all to blame. If we’re [...]

I Want More Of God In My Life

I always find myself filled with tears in my prayer closet. There’s a deep desire for God. I’m not satisfied with anything, all I want is Him. I never know how much I miss the Lord until I’m actually with the Lord in prayer. Nothing satisfies! Are you being distracted from God? Every worldly desire [...]

What Is Spiritual Discipline?

Life can become difficult when there is no discipline especially for the believer. Here are spiritual disciplines for the Christian life that you should be practicing daily.  Christian spiritual disciplines Spiritual disciplines are biblical practices that a believer does to grow spiritually in Christ. When we discipline ourselves not only does our character grow and [...]

God’s Word gives us a ton of helpful insight on what we should do to become godly men and women. One thing we sometimes wish we knew more about though would be how to find one. Finding a good wife or husband who loves the Lord and lives a life that is honorable is surely [...]

Is Wearing Makeup A Sin?

One question that I get often especially from young women is, can Christians wear makeup? Is wearing makeup a sin? Unfortunately, this topic brings a lot of legalism. There is nothing in the Bible that restricts Christian women from wearing makeup. With that said, let’s take a look at a few passages. Quotes “Beauty isn’t about [...]

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