What does the Bible say about planning? Planning for your future is a huge priority today. We plan our education, careers, finances, and family. Courses teach us strategic planning for the future, planning apps help us stay on task, and TikTok’s motivational videos inspire us. The ability to plan well is considered critical for accomplishments [...]
What does the Bible say about fruits of the Spirit? When you put your trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you are given the Holy Spirit. There is only one Spirit, but there are 9 attributes of Him that are evident in a believers life. The Holy Spirit will work in our lives [...]
Bible verses about determination As believers we should rejoice that we have the Holy Spirit to help us with determination and strength to continue our walk of faith. Everything in this world seeks to bring us down, but putting your mind on Christ gives you determination to keep on going when times get hard. These [...]
False prophets have been around for thousands of years. They are certainly a force to be reckoned with today! Both the Old and New Testaments have stories or warnings against false prophets who tried to lead God’s people astray. Believers must be alert for the signs of a false prophet so they are not deceived. [...]
Bible verses about praising yourself There are many ministers and pastors today who like to toot their own horn and brag about their accomplishments. Many use testimonies as a chance to brag about themselves and glorify their past life. Many false convert testimonies these days are all about the person and nothing about Christ. You [...]
What does the Bible say about patience? You will not get through your Christian walk of faith without patience. Many people in Scripture made poor choices because of their lack of patience. Familiar names are Saul, Moses, and Samson. If you don’t have patience you’re going to open the wrong door. Many believers are paying [...]
What does the Bible say about being different? If you think about it we are all different. God created us all with unique features, personalities, and traits. Give thanks to God because He created you to do great things. You will never accomplish those great things by being the same as the world. Do not do what [...]
Bible verses about kind words Your tongue is a very powerful tool and it has the power of life and death. I always remember when someone helps me with their words. It might not seem like a big deal to them, but I always cherish a good word. Saying kind words to people cheers people [...]
What does the Bible say about selflessness? One trait that is needed on your Christian walk of faith is selflessness. Sometimes we worry about ourselves and our wants rather than wanting to give others our time and our help, but this should not be. We must have empathy for others and put ourselves in someone [...]
Bible verses about being left handed There were indeed some left handed people in Scripture. Even though Scripture mostly talks about the right hand of the Lord because the right hand is usually the dominant that is not a knock to lefties. There are even some advantages of being left handed and I think it [...]