The Bible verse for today is: Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. Do not judge This is one of Satan’s favorite Scriptures to twist. Many people not only unbelievers, but many professing Christians love to say the famous line do not judge or thou shall not judge, but sadly they don’t know what [...]
We’ve all heard the phrase, “God is good.” However, have you pondered the goodness of God? Have you ever thought about the fact that His goodness never ends? Are you growing in your view of His goodness? Ask yourself these questions. Also, I encourage you to read these quotes about the goodness of God and [...]
“I hate Christians” We’ve all heard it before. Christians are stupid, Christians are annoying, Christians are judgmental bigots, I hate Christianity and God.” If you are a believer living in America I know that you have heard words such as these before. The question is why do atheists hate Christians? Why do people hate Christianity? [...]
Prayers from the Bible The Bible is filled with prayers. Every biblical leader knew the importance of prayer. People prayed for understanding, blessings, strength, healing, family, direction, unbelievers, and more. Today, we cast so much doubt on God. He’s the same God. If He answered then, He will answer now. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 “Rejoice always, [...]
Inspirational quotes about Jesus Christ Do you need Jesus quotes? In the New Testament there are many words of Jesus that can help us with everyday life situations. There are so much more things that Jesus said and many other Christian quotes that were not written down on this list. Jesus is the heir of [...]
How old is God? A few years ago, The Guardian newspaper asked that question, getting different answers from various people.[i] A humanistic answer was that God is a figment of our imaginations, and thus he (or she) is as old as the evolution of philosophical thought. One person answered that Jahveh (Yahweh), the Israelite God, [...]
We only know a little about Jesus’s earthly life before his ministry. Scripture doesn’t mention his early life except for his birth, plus when he was 12 years old, he stayed in Jerusalem after Passover instead of going home with his family. Even the age he started his ministry is vague. Scripture tells us he [...]
Inspirational quotes about love Love is one of God’s greatest gifts. Not only does love have the power to teach us. It also has the power to transform us. Let’s learn more below. Here are some inspirational love is when quotes for different seasons of life. The meaning of love quotes First and foremost, love [...]
In Malachi, God makes it very clear how He feels about divorce. When He joins two sinful individuals together, they are to be together until death. In the wedding vows you say, “for better or for worse for richer or for poorer.” Things like adultery are for worse. When it comes to things like verbal [...]
The Legacy Standard (LSB) and English Standard Bible (ESV) are two different Bible translations that are popular today. They are similar but different in how they were translated from ancient manuscripts. You may be curious about how these two translations came to be, how they contrast each other, and which translation you should choose. Here [...]