What does the Bible say about diligence? Usually when we think about diligence we think about a good work ethic. Diligence should not only be used at the workplace. It should be used in all areas of our life. Diligence on your walk of faith leads to spiritual growth, a greater love for others, greater [...]
What does the Bible say about spiritual growth? As soon as we put our trust in the blood of Christ, the spiritual growth process begins. The Holy Spirit begins to work in us and transform us. We become less like the world and more like Christ. The Spirit helps us to overcome sin and deny [...]
What does the Bible say about Satan? A little red man with a tail, horns, and pitchfork he absolutely is not. Who is Satan? What does the Bible say about him? What exactly is spiritual warfare? Let’s find out more below. Christian quotes about Satan “The devil is a better theologian than any of us [...]
What does the Bible say about dying to self? If you’re not willing to deny yourself, you can’t be a Christian. You must love Christ more than your mom, dad, and you must love him more than your own life. You must be willing to die for Christ. It is either you are slaves to [...]
What does the Bible say about poverty? In life one thing that will never change is the huge number of people living in poverty. As Christians we must give all we can to the poor and never close our eyes to their cries. Closing our eyes to the poor is like doing it to Jesus, [...]
Are you looking for Christian Youtubers to help your growth in Christ? We are seeing more and more ways to advance the kingdom of God. In 2015 we are seeing more Instagram ministries and more Youtube ministries. These Christian YouTube channels below have over 100,000,000 views and are my favorites. Some of the most popular Christian [...]
Greetings! This post will be a bit more serious than what I normally do, so brace yourselves! It is about what the book of Revelations calls the “mark of the beast.” What is it and why should we avoid it? How will God respond if we do get this mark? Are there consequences if we [...]
Bible verses about eating disorders Many people struggle with eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and bulimia nervosa. Eating disorders are another form of self-harm. God can help! Satan tells people lies and says, “this is what you need to look like and this is what you need to do to make it happen.” Christians [...]
What does the Bible say about the Holy Spirit? From Scripture we learn that the Holy Spirit is God. There is only one God and He is the third divine person of the Trinity. He grieves, He knows, He is eternal, He encourages, He gives understanding, He gives peace, He comforts, He directs, and He [...]
What does the Bible say about Christmas? How should Christmas be celebrated? What is advent all about? Has someone ever told you that Christmas is a “pagan holiday” and shouldn’t be celebrated by Christians? What does the Bible say about Christmas? That is what we will learn today. I encourage you to not only use [...]