Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

Sins Of The Heart

There is a huge problem going on in Christianity. There are many people who claim to be Christian, but yet they are sinless perfectionists. That is heresy! I heard a man this week say, “I am not sinning now and I plan on not sinning in the future.” What does the Bible say about sins [...]

Evangelical Vs Protestant

Have you ever checked out a church’s website and seen that they identify as “Evangelical?” Or perhaps you’ve seen a Christian author, musician, or popular speaker described as Evangelical or Protestant. What do the words “Protestant” or “Evangelical” mean to you? This article will explore the origins of both Christian movements. How are they alike [...]

What does the Bible say about death penalty? Capital punishment is a very controversial topic. In the Old Testament we see that God commanded people to be executed for murder and various other crimes such as adultery, homosexuality, sorcery, kidnapping, etc. God instituted the death penalty and Christians are to never try to fight against it. [...]

Keeping Your Word

Bible verses about keeping your word Our words are very powerful. As Christians if we make promises to someone or to God we are to keep those promises. It would have been better for you not to make the promise in the first place, than to break it. You tell God that if He gets [...]

C.S. Lewis wrote a book called The Four Loves, dealing with the four classical loves, usually spoken of by their Greek names, Eros, Storge, Philia, and Agape. Those of us who have grown up in evangelical churches have probably heard of at least two. Although only two of these actual words (Philia and Agape) show [...]

What does the Bible say about daily prayer? Prayer is the very breath of the Christian life. It is how we reach out to talk to our Lord and Creator. But frequently, this is an often neglected activity. Be honest, are you praying daily? Do you see prayer as something that you need daily? Have [...]

Cult Vs Religion

“My friend is going to a really weird church. Could it be a cult?” “Are Mormons a cult? Or a Christian church? Or what?” “Why is Scientology called a cult and not a religion?” “All religions lead to God – right?” “Is a cult just a new religion?” “Didn’t Christianity start as a cult of [...]

When we recognize God’s calling in our lives, we may either be joyful that He has given us a divine task and make moves as soon as we can. Or we may be stricken with fear, procrastinate on the visions that He has given us and not even pursue them. If you are the latter, [...]

Other Religions

Bible verses about other religions You always hear how do we know which religion is right? First, Jesus says He’s the only way, which is saying all the other different religions are false. Accepting Him is the only way into Heaven. The books of other religions contradict themselves such as the Quran which says the Bible [...]

God’s Word gives us a ton of helpful insight on what we should do to become godly men and women. One thing we sometimes wish we knew more about though would be how to find one. Finding a good wife or husband who loves the Lord and lives a life that is honorable is surely [...]

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