Bible verses about busybodies When you’re not doing something productive in your life that leads many people to gossip and worry about others in a bad way. Have you ever heard idle hands are the devil’s workshop? There’s always that one person who finds out other people’s information and tells everybody. That person is a busybody. [...]
Bible verses about silence There are times when we are to remain silent and there are times when we are to speak up. The times when Christians are to remain silent are when we’re removing ourselves from conflict, listening to instruction, and when controlling our speech. Sometimes we must go before the Lord and stand [...]
What does the Bible say about traveling? As Christians, we always want to include God in our plans in life. Maybe you or someone you know is on vacation about to go on a trip, if so pray to God for guidance and protection. Sometimes traveling might seem scary because we’re not used to it [...]
Bible verses about women working If you’re a Christian wife and you want to work outside the home there is nothing wrong with that, but if you have kids and want a full-time career outside the home this should not be. Ask yourself what is the reason for wanting to work? Many times women feel [...]
What does the Bible say about being yourself? We have to be careful when we say things like “just be yourself.” When people say this, they usually mean don’t try to act like something you’re not. For example, the people who try to fit in with a certain crowd by acting out of character, which [...]
Bible verses about isolation Christians should never isolate themselves from other believers. Not only is it dangerous, but if we are to advance God’s kingdom how can we do it if we separate ourselves from other people? We are to put others before ourselves, but isolation shows selfishness and it will hinder your spiritual growth. [...]
Bible Verses About Acne Many people ask, why did God create acne? Many people struggle with acne, even celebrities, but usually it’s only when going through puberty and then it will start to clear up. Most of the time it’s truly not that bad at all, just a pimple here and there, but our mind [...]
What does the Bible say about direction? Here are 25 awesome Scriptures about God’s direction in our lives. God is always moving and He is always directing His children. The question is, are you aware of His guidance? Are you willing to submit to His will over your will? Are you in His Word and [...]
What does the Bible say about tomorrow? Is it a struggle for you to stop worrying about tomorrow? Is is hard for you to believe that God is by your side? We all struggle with this at times. I encourage you to bring your feelings to the Lord. Know that you are deeply known and [...]
What does the Bible say about favor? Can I ask you a favor? We often say this, but could the word “favor” have more meaning than we realize? The online dictionary defines favor as “an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual.” Considering this definition, when we ask a favor, we’re potentially asking [...]