Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

Quotes About Life Insurance

Inspirational life insurance quotes to be safe Are you considering getting life insurance? If so, then you will love this article. In this article, we will be revealing the importance of life insurance through these awesome quotes. The importance of life insurance quotes Discussing life insurance with your family may not be the most exhilarating [...]

Early Death

Bible verses about early death It is God’s will to allow some people to die early. Even though you might not know, God knows what He is doing. I’ve noticed that sometimes one death saves the lives of many just like the story of Benji Wilson. One of the effects of sin in the world [...]

There are two types of loving yourself. There is being conceited, prideful, and arrogant thinking you’re better than everyone, which is a sin and there is naturally loving yourself. Naturally loving yourself is being thankful of what God made. Scripture never says to love yourself because it is normal to love yourself. What does the [...]

Talking To God 

Bible verses about talking to God Many people say that they feel unsure about how to talk to God, or that they are hesitant to because they feel shy. Many people wonder what they would even say or if He is listening. Let’s take a look at Scripture and see what it says about talking [...]

Biblical Reasons To Work

A working Christian is a reflection of a working God who created the universe and is still at work in our lives. Believers are not to be slothful. We are to do honest work and be hardworking in all we do. We must work with excellence and righteousness because we are a representation of God. Always [...]

What does the Bible say about raising children? Children are such a beautiful gift, and unfortunately today we see more than ever that they are being seen as a burden. This mentality is so far from what God would ever want. It’s our job as Christians to really expose the beauty of parenting. Though children [...]

Snake Handling

Bible verses about snake handling Some churches today are handling snakes because of one verse and this should not be. When reading Mark we know that the Lord will protect us, but that doesn’t mean we put God to the test, which is clearly sinful and dangerous. People want to handle snakes, but they miss [...]

What does the Bible say about the Father’s love? “When the apostle Paul said, “We cry out, ‘Abba, Father,’” what did he mean? Sometimes, we think of God as our creator and righteous judge. But, for some of us, it’s hard to grasp our relationship of intimacy with God as our loving Father.” “As we [...]

What does the Bible say about hardship? When your life is all about Christ hardships are inevitable. There are many reasons why Christians go through hardships in life. Sometimes it is to discipline us and bring us back on the path of righteousness. Sometimes it’s to strengthen our faith and make us more like Christ. [...]

Bible Verses About 666

What does the Bible say about 666? The concept of 666 being the “devils number” is found in many places. We can see this concept being preached in some denominations and we can see this concept being used in movie plots around the world. Even in occult practices, the number 666 is associated with Satan. [...]

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