With the SBC currently battling the abuse scandals, the discussion and debate of complementarianism and egalitarianism is being brought up more and more frequently. In order for us to engage in these situations from a biblical worldview, we need to have a solid grasp of what the Bible says about these topics. What is egalitarianism? [...]
Are you trying to start your own Christian blog or website, but you do not know where to start? There are many different Christian bloggers and websites that specialize in different things within the faith. There are sites that focus on Christian marriage, helping stay at home moms, defending the faith against cults, answering questions, [...]
What does the Bible say about betrayal? Being betrayed by a friend or a family member is one of the worst feelings ever. Sometimes the emotional pain is far worse than that of physical pain. The question is, how do we handle betrayal? The first thing our flesh wants to do is get revenge. If not [...]
What does the Bible say about loving God? This is probably one of the biggest areas that I struggle with and I’m tired of it! I hate not loving God the way I’m supposed to love God. I hate waking up without giving God the love that He deserves. We don’t cry enough to the [...]
There is a lot of misunderstanding about what Grace and Mercy is. There is also a tremendous misunderstanding about how this applies to God’s justice and His law. But these terms are crucial to understand in order for us to completely understand what it means to be saved. What is grace? Grace is unmerited favor. [...]
Bible verses about rebellion The secular world we live in today promotes rebellion. People don’t want to listen to authority. People want to be the god of their own lives. Scripture equates rebellion to witchcraft. Rebellion makes God angry. Jesus didn’t die for your sins so you can live in rebellion and spit on God’s [...]
Life can be overwhelming for even the strongest people. If we’re honest, we’ve all experienced the pain of a broken heart in some way, shape, or form. The question is, what do you do with that broken heart? Do you rest in it, or do you give it to the Lord and allow Him to [...]
Bible verses about murmuring All Christians must be very careful. It is extremely dangerous to murmur. Here is the Webster definition- half-suppressed or muttered complaint. In the world today there are many ungodly murmurers. Complaining and murmuring does not give God glory. What it does is repel people away from God and it is rebelling against [...]
Bible verses about people pleasers There is nothing bad about pleasing others, but when it becomes an obsession then it becomes sinful. People usually take advantage of the yes guy. The guy who if asked for a favor will always say yes out of fear of displeasing someone. Sometimes you have to speak your mind instead of [...]
What does the Bible say about listening? Listening is a very important concept in the Bible. We are commanded to listen to God’s instructions. The Bible also teaches us to love others – and listening to them is a way that we communicate love. Christian quotes about listening “Taking the time to listen to truly [...]