What does the Bible say about dogs? The word dog is used many times in Scripture, but it’s not talking about cute house pets. When the word is used it’s usually talking about unholy people or half wild or wild dangerous animals who usually roam the streets in packs for food. They are dirty and [...]
What does the Bible say about abortion? Did you know that over 42.6 million babies were aborted worldwide last year? Since Roe-vs. Wade passed in 1973, an estimated 63 million babies have died by abortion in the U.S. What does God say about human value? How does God feel about life in the womb? Are [...]
Bible verses about idleness One of the things that God hates is idleness. Not only does it bring poverty, but it brings shame, hunger, disappointment, ruin, and more sin in your life. Have you ever heard the phrase idle hands are the devil’s workshop? No biblical leader had anything to do with the sin of [...]
Today, about 76% of couples live together before marriage. Among Evangelical Christians, 54% cohabit before marriage, and the number is higher for younger couples. Moving in together before saying “I do” has become a “new norm,” even among Christians. It has become morally acceptable for many believers as long as the couple plans to marry. [...]
All the time teens ask is selling weed a sin? This is a very common question, but to get to the point whether you’re selling cocaine, pills, marijuana, lean, it doesn’t matter. Selling any type of drug is a sin. Do you think God would ever be pleased with the dangerous lifestyle of drug dealing? [...]
What does the Bible say about fighting? Scripture is clear that Christians should not be arguing, fist fighting, creating drama, or repaying evil of any kind. No matter how hard it may seem, if someone slaps you on the cheek you must turn away from that person. If someone says some nasty words to you [...]
What does the Bible say about faith? When people want to read about faith, the first place they go to is Hebrews 11. It is truly a beautiful chapter. So many miraculous things were done by pure faith without even a Bible. Why aren’t these things being done today? Today we don’t know about true [...]
Bible verses about cowards Sometimes we might have fear and anxiety in our lives and when this happens we just need to trust in the Lord, believe in His promises, and seek Him in prayer, but there is a type of cowardice that will take you to hell. Many people who profess Jesus as Lord [...]
The New International Version Bible was first released in 1978 and has been a best-selling translation worldwide. The New York Bible Society and more than a hundred other non-denominational scholars created this popular English Bible. It’s a thought-for-thought and word-for-word translation viewed as an accurate and smooth-to-read version of the Bible. The NIV Bible was [...]
What does the Bible say about redemption? When sin entered the world, so did the need for redemption. God set up a plan to save mankind from the sin brought in by man. The entire Old Testament leads to Jesus in the New Testament. Find out what redemption means and why you need it to [...]