Bible verses about denying God Many people who profess to be Christians are denying Christ daily. The main reason for the denial is that people would rather cherish their life here on earth more than our future life in Heaven. When you realize that everything in this life will burn you won’t want to set [...]
Bible verses about mocking God I honestly feel sorry for everybody who chooses to mock God because there will be severe penalties for that person and God will make that person eat those words. All over the web you see people writing blasphemous things about Christ and when the time comes they’re going to wish [...]
Bible verses about the Catholic Church Theology does not save us. However, bad theology can hinder us from seeing, knowing, and experiencing the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church claims to be the only true church established 2000 years ago by Jesus Christ. This claim however was rejected by the Reformers [...]
Was God Jewish? To answer that question, we must ask, “What does it mean to be Jewish?” Being “Jewish” is a combination of one’s ancestry, culture, and religion. The people called “Jews” in the Bible were from two of the twelve tribes of Jacob (Israel). At first, all the twelve tribes were called Israelites. Later, [...]
I recently started a new Bible study with the “She Reads Truth” app (FREE and it’s available on the iTunes and Google Play store) – “The Parables of Jesus” Of course, the famous Parable of the Talents is one of the highlighted scriptures. Matthew 25:14-30 NLT “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven can be illustrated by [...]
Bible verses about crying We learn from Scripture that there is a time to cry and everyone will cry at some point in their life. The world likes to say things like men don’t cry, but in the Bible you see the strongest people crying out to God such as Jesus(who is God in flesh), [...]
Bible verses about haters As Christians we are to always be humble and never brag about anything, but there are some people without you even bragging who might be jealous of your achievements. Hating and bitterness is a sin and can be brought on by getting a new job or promotion, buying a new house, [...]
Within Christianity there are several streams, or branches, of the faith based upon interpretation and/or emphasis of certain Scripture passages. Two of these streams of theological differences are the baptistic and pentecostal movements, also identified as Baptists and Pentecostals. Within these movements are varying degrees of dogmatism and charity regarding doctrinal positions, some similarities, as [...]
It may feel like there are an overwhelming amount of translations to choose from. Here we discuss two of the most down to earth, readable translations on the market: the NIV and the CSB. Origin of NIV and CSB NIV – the New International Version was originally introduced in 1973. CSB – in 2004, the [...]
What does the Bible say about the heart? The condition of the heart is extremely important when it comes to salvation, your daily walk with the Lord, your emotions, etc. In the Bible the heart is mentioned almost 1000 times. Let’s see what Scripture has to say about the heart. Christian quotes about the heart [...]