What does the Bible say about tithes and offering? When tithing is mentioned in a sermon, many church members will eyeball the pastor suspiciously. Others may moan in despair thinking that the church is just wanting to guilt them into giving. But what is tithing? What does the Bible say about it? Christian quotes about [...]
What does the Bible say about victory? Are you wondering what does the Bible say about victory? In this tumultuous time we are faced with a grueling election season, a world-wide pandemic, toilet paper shortage, and skyrocketing gas prices. It is hard not to feel defeated, but let’s remember that there is victory in Christ. [...]
Do you love to read? Reading is a wonderful pastime and has many benefits for our minds and bodies. As followers of Christ, one of the books we love to read is the Bible. The Bible comprises 66 books written by 40 different authors over 1,500 years. It includes 30,000 sentences or verses within its [...]
Fifty years ago, only a handful of Bible translations in English were available. Today, we have dozens to choose from. Two of the most popular are the New International Version (NIV) and the New King James Version (NKJV). Let’s contrast and compare these two favored versions. Origins of both Bible translations NIV In 1956, the [...]
God is not Christian, Jewish, or Muslim; He is the giver of life and the most powerful being in the world. Christians got their name for the first time in Antioch, more than 30 years after Christ’s resurrection. Unfortunately, it was a mean-spirited name that meant “Little Christs” and was used mockingly to belittle Christ’s [...]
It’s a blessing to be able to translate God’s truths in another language. Let’s praise the Lord for different languages. Today, we will be sharing popular Bible verses in Spanish. God’s love verses in Spanish Juan 3:16 “Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo que dio a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel [...]
Quotes about healthcare Billions of people around the world lack basic health care. Healthcare is a common and important topic in politics. Not only is it important in politics, but it is important to God. Let’s learn more on the importance of healthcare and taking care of your body. The importance of healthcare [...]
Quotes about prayer Daily prayer is essential on our walk of faith with Christ. We have to adjust the way that we view prayer. Prayer shouldn’t seem like a burden to us. The Creator of the universe has made a way for us to commune with Him, which is such a privilege. He longs to [...]
Bible verses about God is working Don’t be afraid! Don’t you worry. The Lord knows your worries and He is going to provide you with comfort, but you must come to Him. God is working right now! Even though everything seems like it’s falling apart it is actually falling into place. The things that you [...]
Perhaps you have been on a downtown street and noticed a sign in a window advertising a “Christian Science Reading Room.” What is Christian Science? Is it Christian? Is it science? Let’s check out the answers to these questions and more! What is Christianity? Christianity is faith in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus [...]