What does the Bible say about contentment? I grew up as an MK (Missionary Kid) and spent my childhood partly in the U.S. and partly in the Philippines. The tidy, suburban houses and well-kept lawns posed a striking contrast to homes made out of rotted sticks and roofed with corrugated sheet metal that flaked with [...]
Are you considering getting life insurance? If so, then you will love this article. In this article, we will be revealing the importance of life insurance through these awesome quotes. Importance Discussing life insurance with your family may not be the most exhilarating conversation, but it is necessary. Life insurance is needed for several reasons. [...]
What does the Bible say about the Prodigal Son? Most people have heard of the prodigal son, but not everyone knows the definition of prodigal. A child who is wasteful, reckless, and extravagant creates a prodigal child. Essentially, they choose to live lavishly without a care for the consequences of their life, and it’s nearly [...]
What does the Bible say about praise? Praising the Lord shows God how much you love Him and appreciate all that He has done. Furthermore, praising God can improve your relationship and life as God is faithful and there for us even in our darkest moments. Find out what the Bible says about praise and [...]
What does the Bible say about abortion? Did you know that over 42.6 million babies were aborted worldwide last year? Since Roe-vs. Wade passed in 1973, an estimated 63 million babies have died by abortion in the U.S. What does God say about human value? How does God feel about life in the womb? Are [...]
What does the Bible say about God’s glory? Romans 3:23 tells us we all fall short of the glory of God but begs the question, what is the glory of God? First, God’s glory of God is visible, and it’s something we should strive to attain. But, unfortunately, most people seek their own glory and [...]
Five women in the Old Testament and six women in the New Testament are called prophetesses. But what is a prophetess, and, for that matter, what is a prophet? What role did Biblical prophetesses play? In general, what are the roles of women in God’s plan? Let’s look at what several Biblical scholars say on [...]
What does the Bible say about adultery? Divorce and adultery are a very common occurrence in the United States. Nearly all of us have a family member that has been affected by either divorce or adultery. This is a topic frequently discussed in Scripture. What all does it entail? Why is it wrong? What does [...]
What does the Bible say about Matthew? Matthew serves an important role in the Bible as an apostle and the writer of one of the Gospels. He walked and talked with Jesus and shared his version of the life of Christ. Learn more about this important biblical figure for a better understanding of the Bible [...]
What does the Bible say about sickness? Many people believe as Christians, they will no longer endure hardship and illness despite the Bible never making such a claim. While God can heal people, He may have another purpose for sickness, or He may not give a reason why someone stays unhealed. Either way, even as [...]