Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

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Bible Verses About Joy

What does the Bible say about joy? One of the most important things in the Christian life is joy. However, it seems as if far too many believers are living without joy. It seems as if we’re just barely getting by and going through the daily motions of life. We were meant for so much [...]

What does the Bible say about fasting and prayer? There is no such thing as a fast without prayer. A fast without prayer is just going hungry and you’re accomplishing nothing at all. While fasting is not necessary for salvation it is essential on your Christian walk of faith and highly recommended. In fact, Jesus expects [...]

Worldly Things

Bible verses about worldly things Allow your life to reflect how thankful you are for what Christ has done for you on the cross. Christians love Christ so much. We say, “I don’t want this life anymore. I hate sin. I don’t want to live for earthly possessions anymore, I want to live for Christ.” [...]

What does the Bible say about divorce? Did you know that the United States has the third-highest divorce rate in the world? Sadly, 43% of first marriages in the U.S. end in divorce. It worsens for divorced couples who marry again: 60% of second marriages and 73% of third marriages collapse. As horrible as those [...]

Underage Drinking

Bible verses about underage drinking Teenage drinking has been the cause of many crimes and deaths in America. I personally know someone who has died from a drunk driving accident. Not only is it dangerous it is sinful for the teen and it is sinful for the purchaser because it’s breaking the law. Drinking in [...]

What does the Bible say about God providing? I want a new BMW, new boat, and I want a new iPhone because I have last years model. We must stop treating God as if He was a genie in a bottle. God never says He will provide for your wants, but He makes it clear [...]

What does the Bible say about writing? Writing is not only a job, its therapeutic. As emotions rise and become tangled, jumbled thoughts, it can be relieving to find the words to untangle them and put them on paper. But one thing that all writers experience is writer’s block. Christian quotes about writing “The world [...]

What does the Bible say about the Holy Spirit? From Scripture we learn that the Holy Spirit is God. There is only one God and He is the third divine person of the Trinity. He grieves, He knows, He is eternal, He encourages, He gives understanding, He gives peace, He comforts, He directs, and He [...]

What does the Bible say about gray hair? Gray hair and aging is a natural part of life and more people should see it as a blessing rather than a curse. It shows wisdom in age, experiences in life, and gray hair brings respect as well. God will always be with you no matter what age [...]

What does the Bible say about believing in yourself? Many people ask is believing in yourself biblical? The answer is no. It’s the worst advice someone can give you. Scripture makes it clear that apart from Christ, you can do nothing. I recommend you to stop believing in yourself. It will only lead to failure [...]

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