Why should God let you into Heaven?

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What does the Bible say about time? As Christians we are not to manage our time the same way the world manages theirs. We must make sure that we seek God in everything that we do. We are to organize our time and plan wisely for the future. There are time management apps that we [...]

Bible Verses For Comfort

What does the Bible say about comfort? How awesome it is that we have a God of comfort and peace to help us in our time of need. The Holy Spirit, which is also called the comforter is living inside believers. We can pray to Him for comfort, encouragement, and for daily strength. He will [...]

What does the Bible say about caring for the sick? Just like doctors and nurses, Christians are to take care of the sick. It can be your spouse, friend, parents, the elderly, siblings, or even people when on mission trips. When you serve others you are doing the same thing for Christ. Be imitators of [...]

People Pleasers

Bible verses about people pleasers There is nothing bad about pleasing others, but when it becomes an obsession then it becomes sinful. People usually take advantage of the yes guy. The guy who if asked for a favor will always say yes out of fear of displeasing someone. Sometimes you have to speak your mind instead of [...]

What does the Bible say about flat earth? What used to lurk amongst the websites full of various political conspiracy theories has become increasingly mainstream. Flat earth theory. But does the Bible actually support this theory? Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat?  Flat Earth Theory support has grown rapidly. This is largely [...]

Bible Verses About Love

What does the Bible say about love? What can we learn about love in the Bible? Let’s dive deep into 100 inspirational love verses that will revamp your understanding of biblical love. “No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected [...]


Bible verses about legalism One of the worst things in Christianity is legalism. Usually cults require legalistic things for salvation. The reason it is so bad is that it stops people from seeing the gospel. It puts a chain on people. Before unbelievers even stumble at the gospel they stumble at Christianity. They aren’t able [...]

What does the Bible say about forgiveness? Forgiveness is not something that you say with your mouth. It is something that you do with your heart. Many people say they forgive, but they never truly forgive. They harbor a hidden bitterness in their heart. Imagine if God never truly forgave us. Where would we be? [...]


Bible verses about orphans When you become a Christian you are automatically in God’s family. We were adopted by God through Christ. Even if our earthly father is not there, we can rest assure that in the Lord we have the perfect father. God Almighty is the father of the fatherless. God comforts, encourages, and [...]

What does the Bible say about hunting? Many Christians wonder, is hunting a sin? The answer is no. God gave us animals for food, transportation, etc. The big question in the minds of many believers, is it wrong to hunt for fun? I will explain more about this below. Christian quotes about hunting “Many of [...]

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