Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

When we recognize God’s calling in our lives, we may either be joyful that He has given us a divine task and make moves as soon as we can. Or we may be stricken with fear, procrastinate on the visions that He has given us and not even pursue them. If you are the latter, [...]

As Christians, we are called to lay down our lives for others. We happily do this because of the great love Christ showed us in his death on the cross. Jesus came to serve us so we can serve others. Of course, sometimes, this requires sacrifice and wisdom on our part. Have you ever wondered [...]

Why Do We Have Rainbows?

Many Christians ask what does a rainbow mean in the Bible? A rainbow in the sky is a beautiful Christian symbol which homosexuals have stolen and turned into a mockery, but God will not be mocked. God gave us rainbows to remind us that he wouldn’t flood the earth ever again. After the great flood [...]

What guides your decisions when you go to the voting booth? Do you consider how each candidate aligns with Biblical values? God blesses a nation whose rulers and people obey Him. “If you fear the LORD and serve Him and obey His voice, and if you do not rebel against the command of the LORD, [...]

Growing A Relationship With God

When was the last time you spent time with God? Like really, sat, listened, read, or talked. Sometimes I find myself avoiding God. Not wanting to set away time to spend with Him. Do you tend to say, “At the beginning of the month I’ll start actively studying my Bible, or when the school year [...]

Who Owns The Copyright To The Bible?

Most Christians do it. We quote Bible verses. It might be a Facebook post or a note of encouragement. Many articles and books on Christian themes include Bible verses. Sometimes, they quote whole passages or chapters. Did you know that how we use Bible verses in written form has legal issues? Most Bible versions are [...]

Seeking Wisdom From God

It happened a year ago. I was coming upon 12 months of residency in the desert land of Scottsdale, Arizona and I had grown tired of leading a dual life. Like having multiple personalities, my life reflected two very different people – one person who was living for the Lord and another who was living for herself. [...]

NLT Vs NIV Bible

Many people say that there is not much difference in the Bible translations, and that it doesn’t matter which one you use as long as you are a believer in Christ. The truth of the matter is, what at first appears to be very small differences can be very big issues to many believers. Which [...]

Covenants In The Bible

Are there 5, 6, or 7 covenants in the Bible? Some even think that there are 8 covenants. Let’s find out how many covenants between God and man are actually in the Bible. Progressive covenantalism and new covenant theology are theological systems that help us to understand how God’s entire plan of redemption has been [...]

God Is In Control Quotes

You are not alone in your situation. God is in control and moving on your behalf. Here are inspirational quotes to remind you of the faithfulness and sovereignty of God. God is still in control Have you forgotten that God is still in control? He’s never left you. God is working behind the scenes to [...]

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