Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

Is God Black?

God is often depicted as an elderly white man with a flowing beard, but is that really what He looks like? In recent years, the question of God’s skin color has become a topic of debate. Some point to Jesus and his physical characteristics in accordance with historical accuracy. Others believe that the true essence [...]

Was Jesus A Muslim?

Was Jesus a Muslim? The short answer is “no” because Muslims follow the religion of Islam. Jesus lived on earth 600 years before the Islamic religion began. Well, do Muslims believe in Jesus? Do they believe in the Holy Spirit? And, what was Jesus’ religion when He lived on earth? What do we know about [...]

Have you been looking into alternative healthcare options to help you to save? If so, then you will enjoy this review. Today, we will be comparing Christian Healthcare Ministries Vs Medi-Share. In this article, we will take a look at the price, sharing limit, the numbers of providers that each sharing company has to offer, [...]

We are saved by grace alone apart from works. God desires perfection, but nobody is perfect. Christ became that perfection and He is who we put our trust in. Never let anyone tell you we are saved by works like Catholicism teaches. What no one seems to understand in this godless generation is if you are truly saved [...]

False prophets have been around for thousands of years. They are certainly a force to be reckoned with today! Both the Old and New Testaments have stories or warnings against false prophets who tried to lead God’s people astray. Believers must be alert for the signs of a false prophet so they are not deceived. [...]

Dispensationalism And The Early Church Fathers

INTRODUCTION What is dispensationalism? That word draws different reactions from a variety of Christians. For some it is someone that interprets the Bible in a literal fashion. For some they may see a dispensationalist as confused.  However, there are many that say that dispensationalism has no place in the church. There are many in the [...]

Throughout my Christian walk of faith I learned a lot about unanswered prayers. In my life I personally remember God using unanswered prayers to make me more like Christ and to build spiritual growth. Some prayers He answered at the last minute to build my faith and trust in Him. My advice to you is to keep [...]

While the Bible offers some sage advice similar to “This too shall pass,” the phrase cannot be found in scripture. However, many people associate the phrase with a scripture in Ecclesiastes as a summary of the writer’s thoughts. Let’s take a deeper look at the phrase and see how it stands up to the Bible [...]

How Tall Was Adam In The Bible?

While the Bible does not specify Adam’s height or other physical characteristics, some theories speculate that Adam stood much taller, around fifteen feet than men today. This speculation is fueled by the long lifespans recorded in Genesis, the presence of oversized animals in the fossil records, theories from the Book of Enoch, and a verse [...]

Life Verses For Teenage Girls

We would like to talk about our favorite Bible verses! Thousands of verses come to mind, but we’ll try to shorten it down to our top four life verses—one for each of us, and two to represent our blog. Hannah – For several years now I’ve had a life verse that I hold near and dear to [...]

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