Bible verses about all sins being equal I’m often asked are all sins equal? Contrary to what many people think all sin is not the same and nowhere in Scripture will you be able to find this. Some sins are greater than others. It’s one thing to steal a pencil from school, but it’s a [...]
This is a tough topic to speak on. Why you ask? There are many people who believe they’re saved, but they are not saved. On the other side of the coin there are many people who truly are saved but are struggling with the full assurance of their salvation. There is a difference between assurance [...]
What does the Bible say about football? Football is one of the most violent sports in the 21st century. Every play that you watch, there is a serious chance of injury. This type of violence brings up the question, can a Christian play football? While it may be violent, there have been many Christians who [...]
Life can become difficult when there is no discipline especially for the believer. Here are spiritual disciplines for the Christian life that you should be practicing daily. Christian spiritual disciplines Spiritual disciplines are biblical practices that a believer does to grow spiritually in Christ. When we discipline ourselves not only does our character grow and [...]
What does the Bible say about addiction? Addiction is nothing new. Yes, there are new things to be addicted to, but addictive behaviors and things to get addicted to have been around for millennia. Sadly, many Christians are addicted to one thing or another. You might be surprised to hear that, but it’s true. Addictions [...]
Usually anything that has to do with cheating is always a sin. Whether it’s cheating on your taxes, cheating someone on a business deal, or cheating when you’re not married it’s always wrong. When you cheat on a test you are deceiving yourself and deceiving others and this should not be. Not only is it [...]
The division between Calvinism and Arminianism is a hotly debated subject amongst evangelicals. This is one of the primary issues that threaten to cause a split in the Southern Baptist Convention. In our last article we discussed Calvinism. But what exactly do Arminians believe? What Is Arminianism? Jacob Arminius was a 16th century Dutch theologian [...]
What is God’s Gift to You? At a recent prayer meeting—that took place at my church—my friend who I attend with regularly received a request from a student faced with confusion (about his future). He wasn’t sure where he was headed in terms of college—and then after—so in turn reached out in prayer for clarity [...]
Bible verses about regeneration We don’t preach on the doctrine of regeneration anymore. There are many people who call themselves Christians who are not Christians. Many people have all the right words, but their heart is not regenerate. By nature man is evil. His nature leads him to do evil. An evil man cannot change himself [...]
What does the Bible say about oppression? If you’re feeling oppressed in life for whatever reason the best thing to do is cast your burdens on God. He cares for the people who feel crushed and are treated unfairly every day. Don’t dwell on the bad, but focus on God instead. Remember He is always [...]