Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

What Newlyweds Should Know About Faith

I wish someone would have told me that my relationship with God is not the same as my relationship with my husband. I also wish that someone would have mentioned that my relationship with God is not the same as my husband’s. I have been told that my relationship with my husband should be like [...]

What Is Prayer Quotes

The Bible has given us a plethora of promises to encourage us to pray. However, prayer is something that we all struggle with. I encourage you to examine yourself. What is your prayer life? My hope is that these quotes inspire you and reignite your prayer life. My hope is that we would go before [...]

Getting Alone With God

Does the presence of Christ even matter to us anymore? Do you remember the times when you used to daydream about Jesus? But, then something happened. Something took your heart away. Something started competing for the presence of God in your life. Most of our worship is an emotional high and then we’re back to [...]

Calvinism Vs Arminianism

It is a debate that goes back nearly 500 years and continues today. Does the Bible teach Calvinism or Arminianism; synergism or monergism, the free will of man or the sovereign decree of God? At the heart of the debate is one central question: what is the ultimate determining factor in salvation: God’s sovereign will [...]

A popular television show called Lucifer depicts Lucifer Morningstar leaving hell and moving to Los Angeles (the city of angels) to study humans. He joins an LA detective to solve crimes in the city. In the TV show, Lucifer marries his detective partner, Cloe, and they have a daughter named Rory. Although the show is [...]

What Is Calvinism?

What does Calvinism mean? In evangelical circles, there is a tremendous amount of misunderstanding about the beliefs held dear to the Calvinists. Just like with many denominations, there can be some variation between churches. Just like the Southern Baptist Denomination does not hold to the hate filled teaching of the extremists like Westboro Baptist Church, [...]


There is a great debate amongst some people as to which translation is the best. Some people love the ESV, NKJV, NIV, NLT, KJV, etc. The answer is a complicated one. However, today we are comparing two popular Bible translations, the NIV and the ESV Bible. Origin  NIV – The New International Version is an [...]

Quotes About Walks

Taking a long walk is one of the most beautiful activities that God has blessed us with. It’s great for clearing the mind, talking to God, meeting new people, walking the dog, and more. This post is all about the importance of going on walks and walking. Let’s dive into some amazing and inspirational quotes. [...]

Opposite Of Sin

Many people wonder what is the opposite of sin? Before we can answer this question let’s find out exactly what sin is. Sin is the violation of God’s law. Sin is to miss the mark. 1 John 3:4 Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. Romans 4:15 because the law brings [...]

You are not saved by going to church. You become a Christian by repentance and believing in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. You are saved only by faith in Christ and what He did for you on that cross. When you are saved, you will be a new creature with new desires. A believer in [...]

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