Bible verses about self defense The regular self-defense weapon that is in homes today are guns. When owning a firearm we must be responsible. These days there are many foolish trigger-happy people who own guns who should not be able to even own a knife because they are that irresponsible. As Christians our first option should [...]
Bible verses about false religions It is sad when I hear so called Christians or unbelievers say don’t judge. It is just like your blind child is going to walk off a cliff and you tell me don’t save him. Christians you must understand that many people are demons right now in hell. Many people [...]
Bible verses about dinosaurs What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? Many people ask are there dinosaurs in the Bible? Did they really exist? How did dinosaurs become extinct? What can we learn from them? These are three of several questions that we will be answering in this article today. Even though the word dinosaur [...]
Bible verses about necromancy Necromancy is contacting the dead for future knowledge. It is very clear from Scripture that God hates divination and in the Old Testament necromancers were to be put to death. No one who practices evil things like palm readings, voodoo, and things of the occult will make it into Heaven. There [...]
What does the Bible say about election? In many circles, the doctrine of election is the subject matter held in much contested debate. So let’s take a look at what the Bible says. Christian quotes “We are secure, not because we hold tightly to Jesus, but because He holds tightly to us.” R.C. Sproul “I [...]
What does the Bible say about creation? Understanding the Biblical creation account is vitally important. Yet, many churches regard this as a minor issue – one that people can agree to disagree about. However, if you claim that the Biblical creation narrative is not 100% true – it leaves room to doubt the rest of [...]
Bible verses about killing Murder is always sinful in Scripture, but killing is condoned. For example, you wake up at night while someone is breaking in your house. You don’t know what they are packing or what they came to do so in self-defense you shoot them. This is a justifiable killing. If someone breaks [...]
What does the Bible say about singing? Singing is part of our human experience. Songs have been used to express some of the deepest human joys and sorrows from the beginning of time. Of course, the Bible has a lot to say about music and singing. You may wonder what God thinks about that toe [...]
Bible verses about sloth Sloths are extremely slow animals. Captive sloths sleep 15 to 20 hours every day. We are not to be like these animals. Serve the Lord with enthusiasm and have nothing to do with slothfulness, which is not a Christian trait. Too much sleep mixed with idle hands lead to poverty, hunger, [...]
Bible verses about mean people If any Christian is dealing with a mean attitude I encourage you to find the root to your anger. It could be because of stress, envy, or maybe there is that one person who always makes you mad. Treat others how you would want to be treated. If someone disrespects you it’s [...]