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How Tall Was Adam In The Bible?

While the Bible does not specify Adam’s height or other physical characteristics, some theories speculate that Adam stood much taller, around fifteen feet than men today. This speculation is fueled by the long lifespans recorded in Genesis, the presence of oversized animals in the fossil records, theories from the Book of Enoch, and a verse from the Quran. Let’s take a closer look at the lore and what the Bible shares. 

Who were Adam and Eve? 

Adam and Eve were the first man and woman created. God made Adam the first to oversee the Garden of Eden, using dust to mold his body before breathing life into him. Once Adam settled into the garden, he and God found no helper for him among the animals. God made Eve to be Adam’s helper Eve from one of Adam’s ribs. 

Their story acts as a cautionary tale laden with themes of free will, temptation, and consequence. They became not only the first people but also the first sinners as they chose to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, expressly forbidden by God. This singular act transformed their lives irrevocably, leading them to expulsion from Eden and the entrance of sin, suffering, and mortality to all humans. 

How tall was Adam in the Bible?

The Bible does not mention any physical attributes of Adam, including his height. However, the Book of Enoch, which is not in the Bible or Apocrypha, mentions the great height of Adam. Enoch speculated that Adam and Eve were both fifteen feet tall because they lived in the Garden of Eden before the flood. Meanwhile, Islamic traditions hold that Adam was 90 feet tall or 60 cubits tall (Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 55, Hadith 543)!

Theories of Adam’s extreme height gained momentum because of the extraordinary lifespan of people before the flood. For instance, the Bible tells us Adam lived to be 930 years old (Genesis 5:5). Lifespans began to shorten with the flood, which could have also affected height. Additionally, the world before and after the flood had significant geological and atmospheric changes, such as harsher weather, which could have shortened lifespans and physical attributes. 

While various scholars have speculated about the possible grand height of Adam, no decisive or reliable information exists to confirm these theories. What speculations have been made are typically allegorical or from non-supported text. The void information makes it clear that the physical appearance of Adam was not important to the creation story or that the writer of Genesis (Moses) did not know Adam’s physical attributes. 

How tall were people in the Bible?

The height of individuals in the Old Testament varies, but specific heights are seldom mentioned. Goliath’s height offers one look into a man considered a giant, but there’s no mention of the average height. Aside from this extraordinary case, the Bible does not provide detailed information about the average height of people during Old Testament times. 

However, ancient skeletal remains from regions related to biblical accounts indicate that average heights were likely similar to or slightly shorter than modern averages, probably ranging between 5 and 6 feet for adult men. Women were shorter on average. Overall, while the Bible contains many kinds of physical descriptions, height is generally not among the details deemed significant enough to record.

Related article – What is Jesus’ height?

Were there giants in Adam’s time?

Genesis shares much more than the creation of the world. Vague references to Nephilim in Genesis are often described as giants or beings of great size. As a whole, the height of mean remains untouched in the Bible, leaving much for us to wonder about. The only verse that mentions their height is in Numbers 13:33, “And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.”

In the book of Samuel, not too far off from the time of Adam, the Philistine Goliath was considered a giant at six cubits and a span of about 9 feet and 9 inches. However, according to older translations and ancient manuscripts, Goliath’s height was recorded as “four cubits and a span,” which would make him approximately 6 feet 9 inches tall (about 2.06 meters).

Additionally, after Noah in the time of Abraham, the Bible mentions the Amorites of Canaan (Genesis 15:16). When encountering the people of Canaan, the majority of the Israelite spies claimed that “the land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size” (Numbers 13:32). Amos states how the Amorites were tall in stature, hyperbolically comparing them to tall cedar trees (Amos 2:9). 

So, while Adam might not have walked among giants according to the Bible, very few details describe the potential giants or the physical properties of average-sized people either. However, with the remains of average humans and giants unearthed over the centuries, it’s safe to assume there were some giants in the time of Adam.

Who was the tallest person in the Bible?

When it comes to larger-than-life figures in the Bible, none stands taller—literally—than Goliath. Described in the Old Testament’s 1 Samuel 17 as a Philistine warrior of immense size, Goliath had an impressive physical stature. His height is traditionally cited as “six cubits and a span,” which, depending on the length of the ancient cubit, could make him around 9 feet 9 inches tall.

While other biblical figures like the Nephilim are often described as “giants,” Goliath’s dimensions are given explicit attention in the scripture, making him the tallest individual recorded. However, scholars and theologians continue to argue about the accuracy of the measurement.

Does God Look at height?

In the Bible, physical attributes like height are secondary to other attributes of people, such as their character. In 1 Samuel 16:7, we learn, “The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” This principle recurs throughout both the Old and New Testaments, emphasizing that spiritual and moral qualities are what truly matter to God. Height remains inconsequential compared to faith, love, and compassion. 


In conclusion, the question of Adam’s height has intrigued theologians, historians, and the curious for centuries. While the Bible itself does not provide explicit details about Adam’s physical dimensions, various interpretations, and extra-biblical texts believe Adam may have been taller than the average man. However, as God rarely makes mention of height in His Word, it’s safe to assume it’s not a characteristic we need to know and should instead focus on the quality God does mention.

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