Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

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Is Wearing Makeup A Sin?

One question that I get often especially from young women is, can Christians wear makeup? Is wearing makeup a sin? Unfortunately, this topic brings a lot of legalism. There is nothing in the Bible that restricts Christian women from wearing makeup. With that said, let’s take a look at a few passages. Quotes “Beauty isn’t about [...]

Narrow Path

Bible verses about the narrow path The road to Heaven is extremely small and most people will not find it even many people who call themselves Christians. Many people say they love Christ, but their actions show that they truly hate Him. Just because you go to church doesn’t mean you’re going to go to [...]

What does the Bible say about grandchildren? Are you expecting a new grandchild? Need some quotes to put in a card? What a blessing it is to have grandchildren. They are the crown of the aged. Always pray and thank God for them. Be a great and loving role model to them teaching them the [...]

What does the Bible say about spring? Are you looking for Spring Bible verses to help you on your walk with Jesus? If so, then you will love this article. Spring is an awesome time of year where the flowers are booming and things are coming to life. Spring is symbolic of a fresh start and [...]

What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol? This is a hot topic in Christianity. Many people ask can, Christians drink alcohol? Is drinking alcohol a sin? The first question should be rephrased to should we drink? It’s not condemned in Scripture, but there are many warnings against drunkenness. I’m not saying it’s a sin, [...]

Church Website Hosting

Are you looking for the best church website hosting for your Christian ministry? I know that choosing web hosting services can be very difficult especially if you are new to website building. I will help you make the best choice today and I will show you step by step how to set it up with [...]

Lord Vs God

How many names and titles are there for God? Would it surprise you to know the Bible contains over 100? Of course, that number depends on how we define what a name or title is. Nevertheless, the God of Judaism and Christianity – the God of the Bible – has many different titles and names. [...]


Bible verses about clubbing Many new believers ask is clubbing a sin? The answer is yes, Christians should not go to clubs plain and simple. All you find at nightclubs is sin. You will find drunkenness, devilish music, promiscuous women and men, devilish dancing, fighting, and more devilish things. The club scene is of the [...]

Seventh Day Adventist Vs Baptist

You probably have Baptist friends, or you are Baptist, as it’s the 2nd-largest religious group in the U.S. Over 42 million people in America are members of Baptist churches. By contrast, the Seventh-day Adventist church has 1.2 million members in the U.S. and 20 million worldwide. Perhaps you’ve wondered what the differences are between the [...]

Bible Verses About Grace

What does the Bible say about grace? Grace is the unmerited favor of God. God pours out His favor upon sinners like us who deserve the worst. The Father gave His Son the punishment that we deserve. Grace can be summed up as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. You can’t run away from the grace [...]

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