Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

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God Is Good Even When We Sin

Has this ever come to mind? How is God still good to me when I sin? Sin has entered the human race ever since Adam and Ever ate the forbidden fruit. So, sin then dwells in the flesh. But even when we succumb to our flesh’s desire, God still has mercy upon us. God is [...]

What does the Bible say about eternal life? God gives all of us a sense of eternity. Eternal life is a gift from God through Christ. When we think of eternal life we think about life after death but it’s more than that. For the believer, eternal life is now. God is eternal. Eternal life [...]

Evil Women And Bad Wives

Bible verses about evil women Scripture lets us know to stay away from evil women. They are greedy, rebellious, unsubmissive, wicked, adulterous, gossiping, slandering, and sexually immoral women. Bad wives and evil women in the Bible have done great damage such as lead Solomon astray, betray Samson, and order the killing of John the Baptist. Evil [...]

What does the Bible say about flowers? In the Bible, flowers are often used as symbolism for beauty, growth, temporal things, fullness, and more. The gospel can be seen in all of creation. Flowers are a beautiful reminder of our glorious God.  Christian quotes about flowers “God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, [...]

What does the Bible say about sunsets? Have you watched the sunset or the sunrise and praised God for His glory and His beauty? Sunsets point to a glorious and mighty God who is worthy of all praise. Here are some beautiful Scriptures for those who love sunsets. Christian quotes about sunsets “When you see that [...]

Praying To Saints

Bible verses about praying to saints Praying to Mary and other dead saints is not biblical and praying to anyone other than God is idolatry. To bow down to a statue or painting and pray to it is evil and it is forbidden in Scripture. When confronted some Catholics say we don’t pray to them, [...]

Jesus Is God

Bible verses that say Jesus is God If anyone tries to tell you that Jesus is not God in the flesh close your ears because anyone who believes that blasphemy will not enter into Heaven. Jesus said if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins. If Jesus wasn’t God how could [...]

Not Fitting In

Bible verses about not fitting in The problem with trying to fit in is, it’s seeking joy in all the wrong places. You will never be satisfied when you do that. Find joy in Christ. Did Jesus ever fit in with the world? No, and neither will His followers. Why you ask? The world does [...]

Jewish Vs Christian

Judaism and Christianity are both monotheistic, ancient religions. Despite their commonalities, Judaism and Christianity are different. Christians accept Jesus as the Messiah and savior, unlike Jews. Jewish theology accepts Jesus as a prophet, not the Messiah. Let’s look at the key differences between the two religions.  What is a Christian? A Christian is a person [...]


Bible verses about strife As Christians we are to have nothing to do with strife because it’s always caused by ungodly traits and it leads to arguments. It is caused by things that have no business in Christianity like pride, hate, and jealousy. We are to love others as ourselves, but strife does not do [...]

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