Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

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Bible verses about moderation Have you ever heard someone say moderation in all things? If you have I want you to know it’s false. When talking about moderation we must also remember the word abstinence. There are some things you just can’t do. Underage drinking cannot be done in moderation. You can’t gamble, smoke, watch porn, [...]

What does the Bible say about jealousy and envy? Many people ask is jealousy a sin? Jealousy is not always a sin, but most of the time it is. Jealousy is not a sin when you are jealous over something that belongs to you. God is a jealous God. We were made for Him. He [...]

Paying Taxes

Bible verses about paying taxes Let’s be honest even Christians hate the corruptness of the IRS, but no matter how corrupt the tax system is we still have to pay our income taxes and other taxes. The whole “they’re always ripping me off” statement is never an excuse to cheat on your tax returns. We [...]

What does the Bible say about Russia And Ukraine? Innocent civilians are dying and infrastructure is being destroyed! It hurts my heart to see and hear about Russia invading Ukraine. Let’s dive into the Bible to see if Scripture talks about this conflict. More importantly, let’s learn how Christians should respond to these situations. Russia-Ukraine [...]

Christian Liberty

Bible verses about Christian liberty  Christian liberty is an extremely dangerous topic that most believers overlook. Christian liberty can easily lead to sin, addiction, spiritual dryness, and more. Satan is not oblivious to these things. He knows how our freedom as Christians can cause us to live laid-back lives. Many believers around the world love [...]

What does the Bible say about being still? There’s just too much noise! There’s just too much movement! Have you ever wondered how some Christians can be going through the worst pain and suffering and still they have joy? It’s because they are being still. They put all their worries in God’s hands. Instead of [...]

Bible verses about God being our hiding place Whenever the world gives you troubles, problems, or makes you afraid put God’s promises in your heart. You don’t need to fear, the Lord is always with you. For Christians, God is our secret immovable hiding place. He is our special fortress and whenever life overwhelms us we can [...]

What does the Bible say about being unique? We are all created unique and special. God is the potter and we are the clay. He made us all perfect having our own uniqueness. Some people have blue eyes, brown eyes, some people can do this, some people can do that, some people are right handed, [...]

What does the Bible say about adventure? When your heart is set upon Christ the Christian life is far from boring. It’s filled with adventure and many exciting moments. Walking intimately with our Savior is a lifelong journey in which you are being molded into His image. Let’s learn more about the Christian adventure below. [...]

Role Models

Bible verses about role models Being a role model for others is very important in Christianity. We are to be the light of the world. Unbelievers cannot see because they are in darkness. We are to let our light shine. That doesn’t mean we are to try to act religious and put on a front [...]

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