What does the Bible say about tattoos? We always see tattoo Bible verses and many Christians wonder, are tattoos a sin and should they get one? I believe tattoos are sinful and believers should stay away from them. Tattoos have been known as a sin in Christianity for centuries, but now things are changing. The [...]
What does the Bible say about empathy? As Christians, we are to be imitators of God and have compassion for one another. Try putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. From Scripture, we see the great empathy Jesus showed for the sick, the blind, the deaf, and more. Throughout Scripture we are taught to humble ourselves [...]
What does the Bible say about raising children? Children are such a beautiful gift, and unfortunately today we see more than ever that they are being seen as a burden. This mentality is so far from what God would ever want. It’s our job as Christians to really expose the beauty of parenting. Though children [...]
What does the Bible say about eagles? Scripture often uses metaphors to explain spiritual things. At the time the Bible was written, people lived off the land, either by raising livestock such as goats or sheep or farming the countryside. An eagle is an image you see throughout scripture. This enormous bird lived in the [...]
Bible verses about ungrateful people People today are being less content and not seeing true blessings. It’s not only children being ungrateful it’s adults as well. Probably the type of ungratefulness I despise the most is when someone complains there is no food inside their house. By that they mean the particular food they want [...]
Bible verses about serving two masters If you try to serve both God and money you will only end up serving money. A good example of this is professing Christian actors who are in sex scenes and play ungodly roles in movies. You say you love God, but the money makes you compromise and with [...]
What does the Bible say about selfishness? The core of selfishness is self-idolatry. When someone behaves in a selfish manner, they are numb to the pain they cause others. There are so many selfish people – because it is extremely easy to behave in a selfish manner. Selfishness is self-centeredness. When you are being selfish, [...]
What does the Bible say about hard times? God is going to make a man/woman out of you. It’s easier said than done but rejoice in your hard times by looking for the Lord in your situation. God is going to reveal Himself in your situation but when your eyes are focused on the problem [...]
What does the Bible say about patience? You will not get through your Christian walk of faith without patience. Many people in Scripture made poor choices because of their lack of patience. Familiar names are Saul, Moses, and Samson. If you don’t have patience you’re going to open the wrong door. Many believers are paying [...]
What does the Bible about humility? You cannot get through your Christian walk of faith without being humble. Without humbleness you will not be able to do God’s will. Even when He convicts you in prayer you will say I’m not going to do that. You will make every excuse in the world. Pride can [...]