Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

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Bible verses about resilience Jesus Christ told us that we would have tough times, but He also reminded us that He would always be with us. If He’s always with us, then He will help us. Be strong in Him and seek peace by keeping your mind on Him. We must stop dwelling on the [...]

What does the Bible say about sunsets? Have you watched the sunset or the sunrise and praised God for His glory and His beauty? Sunsets point to a glorious and mighty God who is worthy of all praise. Here are some beautiful Scriptures for those who love sunsets. Christian quotes about sunsets “When you see that [...]

What does the Bible say about the Father’s love? “When the apostle Paul said, “We cry out, ‘Abba, Father,’” what did he mean? Sometimes, we think of God as our creator and righteous judge. But, for some of us, it’s hard to grasp our relationship of intimacy with God as our loving Father.” “As we [...]

What does the Bible say about God being with us? When we feel fearful, we need to be reminded of God’s presence.  When we feel weak in our faith, we need to be reminded of God’s promises and His great love for us. Even though God is all-powerful and so completely otherly in His holiness, [...]


Bible verses about coincidences When things happen in your Christian walk of faith and you say to yourself what a coincidence you should know that it’s not, it is God’s hand in your life. You desperately needed money for groceries and while cleaning you found 50 dollars. Your car wouldn’t start so you go back in [...]

Encouraging Bible Verses

Encouraging Bible verses to start the day Do you struggle with discouragement? If so, you are not alone. If there is one battle that I have been struggling with my entire Christian walk, it has to be the battle of discouragement. I have to constantly be encouraged by God and what better way to be constantly [...]

Bible Verses About Fear

What does the Bible say about fear? One of the effects of the fall is fear, anxiety, and these battles that we struggle within our mind. We are all fallen creatures and although believers are being renewed into the image of Christ, we all struggle in this area. God knows our battle against fear. One [...]

Salt In The Bible

Bible verses about salt Salt today is a common, inexpensive household seasoning for food. But, historically, salt was scarce and expensive. Roman soldiers were paid with salt. This precious mineral was used to preserve and season foods, as a disinfectant, and in religious ceremonies. Newborn babies were covered with salt to reduce infection. The Greeks [...]

Satans Fall

Bible verses about Satan’s fall We don’t know the exact time of Satan’s fall in Scripture, but is something we do know about him. Satan was God’s most beautiful angel, but he rebelled. He became conceited and was envious of God. He wanted to be God and give God the boot, but God threw him and [...]

What does the Bible say about Ten Commandments? Many people falsely think they are Christians because they obey the Ten Commandments, obey the Bible, and are good people. How can you be saved by your own merits if you broke one of God’s commandments? God desires perfection and you can never reach that. If you [...]

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