Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

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How Was God Made?

As we humans are controlled and limited by earthly things, it’s hard to understand that God has no such limitations. In fact, God is not a created being like us but is instead the creator of all things and as such was not a created being. He is an omnipotent and omniscience God through whom all things are possible and were made possible. Evidence of God is easy to find for everything on Earth speaks of Him. However, we cannot know how God came to be as He always was, is, and will be.

Learn more about God here and how you can know Him personally.

Who is God?

God is the incredibly mighty, wise, and perfect being who conceived of, designed, and sustains the cosmos, Earth, and everything in both. There is only one God, but He exists as three divine persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, God is a being unto Himself, meaning He was not created but always existed because He did not require creation.

God’s existence is not contingent on anything or anyone in the physical universe (John 5:26). Additionally, God’s existence does not have any external foundation because He is the ultimate reality. Because of this, God cannot be explained (Exodus 3:14). Essentially, God is all things as all things are possible through God and created by God (Matthew 19:26). God is necessary for the continuation of the world as we would not exist without Him.

Without God we would not exist nor would the universe or anything in it. God is the supreme being on whom all things hinge. The Bible says God is our father, the one who cares the most for us and has a plan for our salvation and eternity (Isaiah 64:8, 1 John 3:1). He loved us enough to send His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to save us from the consequences of our sins.

Who Created God according to the Bible?

No where in scripture describes who created God as He was not created but instead simply always was as He is infinite. While humans are finite – limited to the space and time God set us in and created of matter – God is without limitations. Because of God, all things exist because He is the Creator and not a creation like the world or man. 

To begin, God created time, as stated in Genesis chapter one. He created the Earth, the void (space), and all life and materials on the planet. Furthermore, God is called the “Alpha and Omega” (Revelation 1:8), which denotes the first and the last numerous times throughout the Bible. This idea of God as timeless and self-existent is central to many faiths but is beyond human reasoning and comprehension.

Skeptics and atheists often argue that since everything has a cause, God must as well. It follows that there must be no God since if God required a cause, God would not be God. However, when a being lives outside of time, is immaterial, and is every where at once, then the rules that apply to man do not apply to God. To ask who created God uses faulty logic, as God is independent of all causes and all creations; He just was, is, and always will be (Revelation 1:8). 

What Was God Doing Before He Created the Universe?

It’s hard for the limited human intellect to wrap around the idea that God was alone before the universe was made. However, God was able to put Himself into three forms making up the Trinity so He was never alone even though He was one being. Jesus’ existence is established for all time in John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” 

We also know that the Holy Spirit existed before humankind was even formed. In Genesis 1:2, the Holy Spirit is said to be “hovering over the face” of the unformed and dark planet. Thus, God has always existed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit existed before the universe was created in a state of perfect, eternal love and relationship. Therefore, God was completely content with Himself before He created the universe.

Beyond this, we know nothing of what God did before He created our universe. Many like to speculate, but we cannot know what God did before He created the heavens and the Earth. However, we do know before man, He created the angels and guided their existence long enough for a third of the angels to fall (Revelation 12:4). Otherwise, we can only speculate as to the activities of God, who is so different in makeup than us with different desires and no needs as He is God.

Did God create everything out of nothing?

Yes, God created the universe from nothing, a doctrine known as creation ex nihilo. God used nothing but His own divine will and power to create the cosmos and all in it. According to Hebrews 11:3, “By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (NKJV). This line seems to imply that God spoke the cosmos and everything in it into existence out of nothing.

The entire first book of the Bible means beginning (Genesis) and starts with the creation of the heavens and the Earth before filing the earth with plants, animals, water, and everything necessary for a thriving planet. From there God went on to create man and woman leading to the creation of all humans. Without His ability to create something from nothing we would not exist.

Did God create evil?

Many religious and philosophical schools of thought have different answers to the question of whether or not God created evil. Some schools of thought hold that God cannot be the root of evil since He is omnipotent and kind. Some theistic and philosophic stances, however, hold that God tolerates evil because of human free will or to facilitate greater good or spiritual growth.

Instead, God created free will, that is, the ability for His creations to choose to be in His presence or not, to experience real love which must be chosen and not forced. Without a choice, we could never choose; however, with choice came consequence, and free will, chosen, brought evil. While God allowed free will and knew it would bring evil, He did not create evil; it was simply a byproduct of His previous tenant. 

Some theologians, however, argue that God permits evil in the world so that the greater good—such as the salvation of humanity via Jesus Christ—can be achieved. Reason dictates that God need not be the source of evil for it to exist, as God has higher moral standards than humans. Often people want to blame God for evil because they need to be mad at someone, and they want God to break the rules or bend to their will rather than always being consistent.

What is God made of?

God is not made of anything man can fully understand beyond spirit. Typically God’s viewed as an immaterial, nonphysical, spiritual being (1 Timothy 1:17; 1 Timothy 6:16). As such, He’s not made of blood, bone, or water such as mankind. However, people are made of both flesh and spirit, and it’s the spirit where we gain our likeness of God. Some even speculate that God is made of energy which powers the world

Arguments for God’s Existence

The majority of humans throughout history have held supernatural beliefs pointing to a divine creator. Several methods argue for God’s existence, including:

General Observations  Romans 1:20 says, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” God’s qualities are indeed easy to see as evidence exists all around in the form of intelligent design. Everyone has an innate “sense” of God.

Complexity – The complexity and order in the cosmos, according to the Teleological Argument, or the “argument from design,” imply the existence of a designer or creator. The argument is based on the idea that the existence of intelligent design in the universe proves the existence of a designer. This creator is referred to as God. Whether the life of a person, animals, or plants all show intelligent design. Also, human consciousness and spirituality allow for profound personal understandings of God. One’s own life provides evidence for God’s existence.

History – Along with literature and archaeology, history provides proof of God’s existence. Not only “because the Bible says so,” but also due to the Bible’s historical accuracy. When debating whether or not God exists, it is fair to bring up questions about the Bible’s veracity and its consistency with secular history and archaeology, all of which point to God. 

Personal Experience – Further, we can communicate with God allowing us a personal relationship with Him. In addition, we communicate through moral laws, and people have an innate moral responsibility not knowable without someone to set those boundaries. Since God is seen as transcendent, it follows that objective moral standards and obligations must have their origins in Him. Many people have experienced firsthand proof of God’s existence and His moral limitations.

Idea of God – The very idea of God, according to the ontological argument, presupposes that God exists. A necessary entity is superior to a dependent one, and since God is characterized as the highest possible being, this follows. That is why we need a God who exists or we could not exist and yet we do.

How to Know God Personally?

When we consider what we have learned from various fields, including experience, logic, history, science, and so on, we find that the evidence for God’s existence is overwhelming. Thankfully, a healthy relationship with God does not need us to collect proof; we only need to believe, which comes from the supernatural ability given through God. If we understand everything about God, we cannot have faith as we have facts which is why God remands a mysterious yet accessible god. 

Although it is impossible for human beings to fully comprehend God, God has revealed enough of Himself to us so that we can get to know Him. Man has both an innate and a learned capacity for this knowledge of God. The most complete revelation of who He is to date came in the sending of His Son, Jesus Christ, to be an atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world. 

Several methods allow us to know God personally by allowing us to communicate with Him. All relationships require trust, communication, respect, emotional support, and time all of which you can experience by the following methods: 

Prayer – Praying entails sharing one’s innermost thoughts, emotions, and desires with God. It is a chance to talk to God and get his or her guidance, forgiveness, and love.

Studying – Reading and studying the Bible can help you gain a deeper understanding of God and His teachings. It can help us better understand God, His priorities, and His expectations of us.

Church – Attending a church service can help you to experience a sense of community and strengthen your faith. Worship is another means by which believers can express their devotion and gratitude to God.

Acts – Doing good things for other people is a wonderful way to draw closer to God and display your love for them. One way to demonstrate God’s care for humanity is via acts of charity.

Receiving the Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit is the divine Being God, who possesses intelligence, emotion, and free will. By receiving God’s Spirit, we can communicate intimately with Him and produce fruit to help others to follow God as well. 

Finally, to have a close relationship with God, one must be honest, humble, and eager to seek and follow God’s guidance. By following Jesus Christ you can know the Father as stated in John14:6, ”Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” As the creator of you and everything we know and do not know, He is worthy of worship and praise.

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