Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

Find out!

I would like to start off by saying that homeschooling is a great option for Christian parents and it’s the best option for children because the best teachers for children are their parents, but it’s not for everyone. Carefully pray about this matter to find out what is best for your family. Here are reasons [...]

A few decades ago tattoos were sinful in Christianity. Now as we get closer to the coming of the Antichrist and more and more celebrities are getting tattoos all over their bodies, Christians want to follow. Tattoos are a mockery to God and one of the most ridiculous things ever is they even have Christian [...]

In Malachi, God makes it very clear how He feels about divorce. When He joins two sinful individuals together, they are to be together until death. In the wedding vows you say, “for better or for worse for richer or for poorer.” Things like adultery are for worse. When it comes to things like verbal [...]


The NRSV and NIV Bibles take different approaches to translating the Word of God and making it readable to modern people. Take a look at the differences and similarities to gain a better understanding each version and find which works best for your needs. Both offer unique options worthy of noting. Origin of the NRSV [...]

We are saved by grace alone apart from works. God desires perfection, but nobody is perfect. Christ became that perfection and He is who we put our trust in. Never let anyone tell you we are saved by works like Catholicism teaches. What no one seems to understand in this godless generation is if you are truly saved [...]

Quotes About Life Insurance

Inspirational life insurance quotes to be safe Are you considering getting life insurance? If so, then you will love this article. In this article, we will be revealing the importance of life insurance through these awesome quotes. The importance of life insurance quotes Discussing life insurance with your family may not be the most exhilarating [...]

Biblical Reasons To Work

A working Christian is a reflection of a working God who created the universe and is still at work in our lives. Believers are not to be slothful. We are to do honest work and be hardworking in all we do. We must work with excellence and righteousness because we are a representation of God. Always [...]

Prayer Quotes

Quotes about prayer  Daily prayer is essential on our walk of faith with Christ. We have to adjust the way that we view prayer. Prayer shouldn’t seem like a burden to us. The Creator of the universe has made a way for us to commune with Him, which is such a privilege. He longs to [...]

Love Is About Quotes

As Valentine’s Day nears, we hear the word love more often. Love is a powerful word that has the ability to change someone’s life instantly. If we’re honest, we all desire love, but what is true love about? Let’s learn more with these inspirational quotes about love.     Love is built Contrary to popular [...]

If someone wrote you love letters and you loved that person would you read those letters or just let them catch dust? As believers, we must never neglect God’s love letter to His children. Many Christians ask why should I read the Bible? We have time to do just about everything else, but when it [...]

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