What does the Bible say about the Sabbath? There is so much confusion about what is the Sabbath Day and are Christians required to keep the fourth commandment, the Sabbath? No, Christians are not required to keep the Sabbath Day like many strict legalistic groups say. This is dangerous. Requiring someone to keep the Sabbath [...]
What does the Bible say about education? In this article, let’s learn what the Bible has to say about education and how God views education and learning. Christian quotes about education “A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.” Theodore Roosevelt “The Bible is the foundation of all education and [...]
What does the Bible say about music? Many people ask is listening to music a sin? Should Christians only listen to gospel music? Is secular music bad? Can Christians listen to rap, rock, country, pop, r&b, techno, etc. Music is extremely powerful and it can have a huge effect on how you live your life. [...]
What does the Bible say about being alone? Sometimes as Christians we will have to be alone. Sometimes we have to withdraw from the crowd like Jesus did and commit to the Lord in prayer. Yes, there is a time to have fellowship with other believers, but there is also a time to have fellowship [...]
What does the Bible say about sheep? Did you know that sheeps are the most mentioned animals in the Bible? True Christians are the Lord’s sheep. God will provide for us and guide us. God tells us in Scripture that none of His sheep will be lost. Nothing can take away our eternal life. We [...]
What does the Bible say about overcoming obstacles? The Bible is very clear that this world is not a stroll in the park. There will be obstacles in life because our world is tainted by sin. We will face struggles of all kinds, but let’s remember that we are not alone. Christian quotes “You will [...]
Bible verses about plagiarism Plagiarism is a sin. Not only is it stealing, it is deceiving others as well and Christians should have no part of it. In Christianity plagiarism can happen when writing, but it can also happen when preaching as well. Everyone wants to give that great sermon so bad that people are [...]
What does the Bible say about mothers? How much do you thank God for your mother? How much do you pray to God about your mother? We can be so selfish at times. We pray for all these different things, but we forget the people who brought us into this world. In honor of Mother’s [...]
Bible verses about fake friends What a blessing it is from God to have good friends, but from elementary school to college we’ve all had fake friends. I would like to start off by saying even our best friends can make mistakes. Remember, no one is perfect. The difference between a good friend who happened [...]
What does the Bible say about gluttony? Gluttony is a sin and one that should be discussed more in churches. Overeating is idolatry and it is very dangerous. Scripture tells us Jacob’s brother Esau sold his birthright because of gluttony. Eating too much has nothing to do with being fat. A skinny person could be a [...]