Why should God let you into Heaven?

Do you know the answer? Are you confident in your salvation?

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How Tall Was Eve In The Bible? 

Genesis is the first book in the Bible. In this book, we read about the origin of mankind. Not only does it talk about how God created the earth and the heavens, but Genesis gives an account of how God created the animals and the first man and woman. The details of the first humans [...]

It is always good to exercise to be prepared for anything that God calls us to do, but Christians must be careful. While there are many biblical and health reasons for exercising, always watch out for vanity because if you are not careful exercising can be a huge idol in a believers life, especially when [...]

Are you trying to start your own Christian blog or website, but you do not know where to start? There are many different Christian bloggers and websites that specialize in different things within the faith. There are sites that focus on Christian marriage, helping stay at home moms, defending the faith against cults, answering questions, [...]

Does Satan Have A Son?

Many people wonder does Satan have children? Nowhere in Scripture does it say that Satan had a daughter or son. On the other hand, spiritually speaking when a person has repented and put their trust in Christ alone for salvation they become children of God. If someone has not put their faith in Jesus Christ [...]

Heaven Vs Hell

What do you think of when you hear the words Heaven and Hell? Some associate clouds with clouds and boredom with Heaven and fire and pitchfork wielding jailers when they think of Hell. But what does the Bible teach? That is what we will answer with this post. What is Heaven and Hell? What is [...]

Torah Vs Bible

Jews and Christians are known as People of the Book. This is in reference to the Bible: God’s Holy Word. But how different is the Torah from the Bible? History  The Torah is part of the sacred Scriptures of the Jewish people. The Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, is typically divided into three parts: the Torah, [...]

How Many Pages Are In The Bible?

If you’re an avid reader, you may think nothing of reading a 400-page book. Of course, if you choose to read the Bible, you’ll read at least three times that many pages. Depending on how fast you read, it would take you anywhere from 30 to 100 hours to complete the Bible in one sitting. [...]

God Quotes

Quotes about God Are you searching for motivational God quotes to increase your faith in Christ? The Bible teaches us a great deal about God. From Scripture we learn that God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. We also learn that God is love, caring, holy, eternal, full of justice and mercy. One of the most [...]

Is Oral Sex A Sin?

Are you wondering can Christians have oral sex? Some people think oral sex within marriage is a sin, when the truth is nothing in the Bible says it’s a sin or leads us to believe it’s a sin. The only type of sex that shouldn’t be done in marriage is sodomy, which is anal sex. [...]

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